

著作分類 IIRワーキングペーパー
著者 Nobeoka, Kentaro
論文タイトル Value Creation and Value Capture at Manufacturing Firms: Importance of Non-functional Value
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー WP#10-01
公開日 2010/04
要旨 Most large Japanese manufacturers are good at creating value utilizing their engineering capabilities but poor at capturing value in terms of creating profit and added value. This paper discusses conditions to capture value, after explaining a distinction between value creation and value capture. In order to capture value, manufacturers have to (1) link manufacturing excellence with uniqueness and differentiation from competitors, and (2) create customer value, enticing customers to pay premiums for the differentiation, and to do these two things simultaneously. In the second half of this paper, we particularly focus on customer value and discuss the importance of the non-functional value. Non-functional value has become a critical factor for manufacturers to capture value by creating customer value.
ラベル 技術経営
登録日 2010/12/31