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機関名11111111112222222222333333333344444444445555555555 (2022/06/22)

ああああああああああ いいいいいいいいいい うううううううううう ええええええええええ おおおおおおおおおお 1111111111 2222222222 3333333333 4444444444 5555555555 ああああああああああ いいいいいいいいいい うううううううううう ええええええええええ お…

  • 経営学
  • 人材育成拠点
  • ラベルてすと
  • その他てすと

    機関名 (2022/06/22)

    ああああああああああ いいいいいいいいいい うううううううううう ええええええええええ おおおおおおおおおお 1111111111 2222222222 3333333333 4444444444 5555555555 ああああああああああ いいいいいいいいいい うううううううううう ええええええええええ お…

    • 経営学
    • 人材育成拠点
    • ラベルてすと
    • てすと一般記事コピー(日/英)

      てすとてすとああああああ (2022/06/01)

      Kirin Brewery Company: Tap Marché: A Craft Beer Platform Kuraray: An innovation process for the Japan original engineering plastic “Genestar™” ®©€

      • デザイン
      • <script>alert('test')</script>
      • ラベルてすと
      • General Article


        Multilayer patent citation networks: A comprehensive analytical framework for studying explicit technological relationships

        Higham,Kyle, MartinaContisciani, CaterinaDe Bacco
        『Technological Forecasting and Social Change』 Volume 179 (2022/06/01)

        The use of patent citation networks as research tools is becoming increasingly commonplace in the field of innovation studies. However, these networks rarely consider the contexts in which these citations are generated and are generally restricted to a single jurisdiction. Here, we propose and explore the use of a multilayer network fr…

          The Economics of Spatial Mobility: Theory and Evidence Using Smartphone Data

          Miyauchi, Yuhei: Kentaro Nakajima: Stephen J. Redding
          No. 28497 NBER Working Paper (2022/04/01)

          • 経済学
          • Working Paper(outside IIR)


            The Role of Face-to-face Contact in Innovation: The Evidence from the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Japan

            Inoue, Hiroyasu: Kentaro Nakajima: Tetsuji Okazaki: Yukiko Umeno Saito
            22-E-026 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2022/03/01)

            • イノベーションの経済分析
            • イノベーションの経済地理分析
            • 知識のスピルオーバー
            • イノベーション
            • 経済学
            • On the Use of Satellite-Based Vehicle Flows Data to Assess Local Economic Activity: The Case of Philippine Cities

              Go, Eugenia: Kentaro Nakajima: Yasuyuki Sawada: Kiyoshi Taniguchi
              No. 652 ADB Economics Working Paper Series (2022/03/01)

              • 経済学
              • Local Labor Market Effects of Chinese Imports and Offshoring: Evidence from Matched-Foreign Affiliate-Domestic Parent-Domestic Plant Data in Japan

                Kiyota, Kozo: Kentaro Nakajima: Miho Takizawa
                22-E-13 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2022/03/01)

                • 経済学
                • National Origin Diversity and Innovation Performance: The Case of Japan

                  Kang, Byeongwoo: Kaoru Nabeshima
                  『Scientometrics』 Vol. 126 No. 6 pp. 5333-5351 (2021/12/30)


                    Economic sociology in Japan

                    Nakano Tsutomu: Masaru Karube: Yoshimichi Sato: Naoki Wakabayashi
                    『economic sociology. perspectives and conversations』 23 1 11-18 (2021/11/30)

                    Economic sociology is an established field in the Western tradition of sociology. Departing from the instrumental rationality of neoclassical economics (Weber 1968), it has made a breakthrough with its foundational conception that economic action of individuals constructs social structures and these social structures heavily influence …

                    • 経営学
                    • 組織論
                    • 社会学
                    • 経済学
                    • Estimating the Impact of Land Use Regulation on Land Price: At the Kink Point of Building Height Limits in Fukuoka

                      Nakajima, Kentaro: Keisuke Takano
                      21-E-88 RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-E-88 (2021/10/01)

                      • 経済学
                      • Management practices and productivity in Japan: Evidence from six industries in JP MOPS

                        Kambayashi, Ryo: Atsushi Ohyama: Nobuko Hori
                        『Journal of the Japanese and International Economies』 Volume 61 (2021/09/01)

                          Determinants of contract renewals in university–industry contract research: Going my way, or good Sam?

                          Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi and Makiko Takahashi, Springer (2021/09/01)

                          Long-term university–industry contract research benefits both universities and the industry, as it can potentially reduce transaction costs and improve the quality of su…

                          • 技術経営
                          • Others

                            PDF DOWNLOAD


                            Trends in Gender Pay Gaps of Scientists and Engineers in Academia and Industry

                            Waverly W. Ding: Atsushi Ohyama: Rajshree Agarwal
                            『Nature Biotechnology』 39 1019-1024 (2021/08/01)

                              Patent Quality: Towards a Systematic Framework for Analysis and Measurement

                              Higham, Kyle:Gaétande Rassenfosse:Adam B.Jaffe
                              『Research Policy』 Vol. 50 Issue 4 (2021/05/01)

                              The quality of novel technological innovations is extremely variable, and the ability to measure innovation quality is essential to sensible, evidence-based policy. Patents, an often vital precursor to a commercialised innovation, share this heterogeneous quality distribution. A pertinent question then arises: How should we define and …

                              • 技術経営
                              • 技術政策
                              • イノベーションの計測
                              • イノベーション政策
                              • 特許
                              • On the Economy of Machine and Intelligence: Differences and Analytics of Innovation

                                Kimura, Megumi
                                WP#21-01 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2021/01/06)

                                Detecting images of innovation expressed in the past, and analysing their variation and mutation, this paper tackled with cold cases of our learnings. Thanks to the deve…

                                • クリエイティブ産業
                                • IIR Working Paper


                                  Life of Designs: The Perfection of Co-Adaptation

                                  Kimura, Megumi
                                  WP#20-19 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/12/25)

                                  Using open sources published in the past, and tracing learning histories of the world, this paper discovered “the third causes” of learnings. Actions and works of scient…

                                  • クリエイティブ産業
                                  • IIR Working Paper


                                    Giants and Angels: Innovation on the Lines

                                    Kimura, Megumi
                                    WP#20-18 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/12/25)

                                    This paper organises relationships between giants and angels in innovation, or historical relationships between science and economy into a linear narrative form, clarify…

                                    • クリエイティブ産業
                                    • IIR Working Paper


                                      Creative Turn: Streaming Innovation

                                      Kimura, Megumi
                                      WP#20-17 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/12/25)

                                      This paper presents essence and principles of economy and society, or secrets and keys for innovation in the age of machines and intelligence. The focus of this paper is…

                                      • クリエイティブ産業
                                      • IIR Working Paper


                                        Video: Beyond the New Atlantis: How can we promote Public Engagement in Japan?

                                        ENGAGE Festival 2020: Moving Engagement Online, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (2020/11/30)

                                        This video is a record of a challenge for research-based policy proposal in Innovation Management and Policy Program, IMPP. Every summer, SciREX holds a summer camp wher…

                                        • パブリックエンゲージメント