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The Screening Function of International Search Authorities under the Patent Cooperation Treaty: Evidence from the Japanese Government’s Policy Change in 1999

Okada, Yoshimi
WP#20-13 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/07/31)

This article examines the screening function of the International Search authorities, which produce International Search Reports (ISRs) for international patent applicat…

  • 政策のための科学
  • 知的財産
  • 知的財産制度
  • IIR Working Paper



    3. Standard Essential Patent War: Samsung vs Apple (in Korean)

    Kang, Byeongwoo, 『4.0 Industry and Standardization: Case Studies』 pp. 43-62

    • 知的財産権
    • 知的財産
    • 知的財産制度
    • 標準化
    • A Book Chapter


      Landscape of standard essential patents: The case of East Asian countries

      Dang, Jianwei : Byeongwoo Kang : Ke Ding
      WP#16-12 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/10/19)

      Technical standards in the mobile communications industry have been developed from national to regional and from regional to global. In the current era, global standards…

      • 知的財産
      • 経済学
      • IIR Working Paper



        Author ordering in scientific research: evidence from scientists survey in the US and Japan

        Nagaoka, Sadao : Hideo Owan
        WP#13-23 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2014/02/28)

        This paper examines what drives author ordering in scientific research. We first discuss a theoretical framework for the choice between alphabetical ordering and relativ…

        • イノベーションの経済分析
        • イノベーションの計測
        • サイエンス
        • 知的財産
        • IIR Working Paper

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          Reassessing Patent Propensity: Evidence from a dataset of R&D awards, 1977–2004

          Roberto Fontana:Nuvolari, Alessandro:Shimizu, Hiroshi:Vezzulli, Andrea
          『Research Policy』 Vol. 42 (10) pp.1780-1792 (2013/12/01)

          • 経営学
          • 技術経営
          • 知的財産権
          • イノベーションの計測
          • 知的財産
          • Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taisho Japan

            Nicholas, Tom: Hiroshi Shimizu
            『Business History Review』 Vol.87 (Spring) pp.121-149 (2013/05/25)

            • 技術史
            • 知的財産権
            • 知的財産
            • 知的財産制度
            • Article


              Does the outsourcing of prior art search increase the efficiency of patent examination?

              Yamauchi, Isamu : Sadao Nagaoka
              WP#13-12 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2013/05/07)

              This paper investigates the effects of outsourcing of prior art search on the efficiency of patent examination, using a large scale Japanese patent examination data. Out…

              • 知的財産権
              • イノベーションの経済分析
              • 知的財産
              • 知的財産制度
              • IIR Working Paper

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