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Determinants of donations to scientific research: An experimental study of motivations for crowdfunding in Japan

Aminaka, Hirokazu : Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi
WP#20-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/04/30)

  • 政策のための科学
  • サイエンス
  • IIR Working Paper



    Management of science, serendipity, and research performance: Evidence from a survey of scientists in Japan and the U.S.

    Murayama, Kota: Makoto Nirei: Hiroshi Shimizu
    『Research Policy』 Vol.44 No.4 pp.862-873 (2015/05/01)

    In science, research teams are increasing in size, which suggests that science is becoming more organisational. This paper aims to empirically investigate the effects of the division of labour in management and science on serendipity, which has been considered one of the great factors in science. Specifically, in examining the survey o…

    • イノベーションの経済分析
    • サイエンス
    • イノベーションの科学的源泉
    • Article


      Allocation of Research Resources and Publication Productivity in Japan: A Growth Accounting Approach

      Aoki, Shuhei: Megumi Kimura
      WP#13-24 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2014/03/10)

      In Japan, as in many developed countries, the government's agencies for science have implemented several reforms to the scienti c research system, which has concentrated research resources in the top research universities. However, the growth of research papers has stagnated in Japan during the 2000s. To analyze the reason for this, th…

      • 政策のための科学
      • サイエンス
      • 経済学
      • IIR Working Paper



        Author ordering in scientific research: evidence from scientists survey in the US and Japan

        Nagaoka, Sadao : Hideo Owan
        WP#13-23 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2014/02/28)

        This paper examines what drives author ordering in scientific research. We first discuss a theoretical framework for the choice between alphabetical ordering and relativ…

        • イノベーションの経済分析
        • イノベーションの計測
        • サイエンス
        • 知的財産
        • IIR Working Paper

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          Contributions of young scholars in team-based scientific research

          Igami,Masatsura : Sadao Nagaoka : John P. Walsh
          WP#13-02 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2013/01/15)

          How to design and manage a research team has become an increasingly important issue in knowledge creation in science. This paper aims to understand how young scholars contribute to scientific research in the context of a research team. We have found that the likelihood of the involvement of postdoctoral fellows is high in research team…

          • 経営学
          • イノベーションの経済分析
          • イノベーションの計測
          • サイエンス
          • IIR Working Paper

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