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Academic contribution to industrial innovation by funding type

Kang, Byeongwoo: Kazuyuki Motohashi
『Scientometrics』 Vol. 124 No. 1 pp. 169-193 (2020/03/23)

Universities are an important actor for innovation. Their contributions to technological and scientific knowledge development have been supported by various types of fu…

  • イノベーションの経済分析
  • イノベーションの科学的源泉
  • Article


    Global spread of pharmaceutical patent protections: micro evidence from the international equivalents of the drug patents in Japan

    Okada, Yoshimi : Sadao Nagaoka
    WP#16-07 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/07/13)

    We investigate the global spread of pharmaceutical patent protections as acquired by firms, based on a novel global patent database for all significant medical drugs introduced in Japan. It gives us the propensity of filing and grant rate for each country for the granted patents in Japan. Major findings are the following. Both the fili…

    • 知的財産権
    • 政策のための科学
    • 知的財産制度
    • イノベーションの科学的源泉
    • 創薬
    • IIR Working Paper



      Management of science, serendipity, and research performance: Evidence from a survey of scientists in Japan and the U.S.

      Murayama, Kota: Makoto Nirei: Hiroshi Shimizu
      『Research Policy』 Vol.44 No.4 pp.862-873 (2015/05/01)

      In science, research teams are increasing in size, which suggests that science is becoming more organisational. This paper aims to empirically investigate the effects of the division of labour in management and science on serendipity, which has been considered one of the great factors in science. Specifically, in examining the survey o…

      • イノベーションの経済分析
      • サイエンス
      • イノベーションの科学的源泉
      • Article
