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Page 1 (1 - 20) of 117 Results

The Economics of Spatial Mobility: Theory and Evidence Using Smartphone Data

Miyauchi, Yuhei: Kentaro Nakajima: Stephen J. Redding
No. 28497 NBER Working Paper (2022/04/01)

  • 経済学
  • Working Paper(outside IIR)


    The Role of Face-to-face Contact in Innovation: The Evidence from the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Japan

    Inoue, Hiroyasu: Kentaro Nakajima: Tetsuji Okazaki: Yukiko Umeno Saito
    22-E-026 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2022/03/01)

    • イノベーションの経済分析
    • イノベーションの経済地理分析
    • 知識のスピルオーバー
    • イノベーション
    • 経済学
    • On the Use of Satellite-Based Vehicle Flows Data to Assess Local Economic Activity: The Case of Philippine Cities

      Go, Eugenia: Kentaro Nakajima: Yasuyuki Sawada: Kiyoshi Taniguchi
      No. 652 ADB Economics Working Paper Series (2022/03/01)

      • 経済学
      • Local Labor Market Effects of Chinese Imports and Offshoring: Evidence from Matched-Foreign Affiliate-Domestic Parent-Domestic Plant Data in Japan

        Kiyota, Kozo: Kentaro Nakajima: Miho Takizawa
        22-E-13 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2022/03/01)

        • 経済学
        • Economic sociology in Japan

          Nakano Tsutomu: Masaru Karube: Yoshimichi Sato: Naoki Wakabayashi
          『economic sociology. perspectives and conversations』 23 1 11-18 (2021/11/30)

          Economic sociology is an established field in the Western tradition of sociology. Departing from the instrumental rationality of neoclassical economics (Weber 1968), it has made a breakthrough with its foundational conception that economic action of individuals constructs social structures and these social structures heavily influence …

          • 経営学
          • 組織論
          • 社会学
          • 経済学
          • Estimating the Impact of Land Use Regulation on Land Price: At the Kink Point of Building Height Limits in Fukuoka

            Nakajima, Kentaro: Keisuke Takano
            21-E-88 RIETI Discussion Paper Series 21-E-88 (2021/10/01)

            • 経済学
            • Do sourcing networks make firms global? Microlevel evidence from firm-to-firm transaction networks

              Itoh, Ryo: Kentaro Nakajima
              『The Japanese Economic Review』 Vol. 72 Issue 1 pp. 65-96 (2020/11/16)

              This study investigates how the structure of a domestic firm-to-firm transaction network influences the foreign direct investment (FDI) decisions of embedded firms in th…

              • 経済学
              • Centers of Gravity: The Effect of Stable Shared Leadership in Top Management Teams on Firm Growth and Industry Evolution

                Agarwal, Rajshree : Serguey Braguinsky : Atsushi Ohyama, 『Strategic Management Journal』 Vol.41, Issue 3, pp. 467-498

                • 経営学
                • 科研費プロジェクト
                • 経済学
                • A Book Chapter


                  Product Innovation, Product Diversification and Firm Growth: Evidence from Japan's Early Industrialization

                  Braguinsy, Serguy : Atsushi Ohyama : Tetsuji Okazaki : Chad Syverson
                  No. 26665 NBER Working Paper (2020/01/01)

                  • イノベーションの経済分析
                  • 科研費プロジェクト
                  • 経済学
                  • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                    Optimal Uniform Capital Taxation in a Partially Automated Society

                    Koizumi, Hideto
                    『SSRN』 (2019/10/22)

                    • 経済学
                    • Institutional Resource or Constraint? How Do Political Connections Embrace Technological Entrepreneurship in China?

                      2019 Annual Meeting (2019/06/28)

                      Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

                      • 中国
                      • 経済学
                      • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                        Measuring the Sorting Effect of Migration on Spatial Wage Disparities in Japan

                        Nakajima, Kentaro: Ryosuke Okamoto
                        『Journal of Applied Regional Science』 Issue 23 pp. 1-23 (2019/06/01)

                        This paper measures the effect of sorting on wage disparity. We extract worker skills by estimating the wage equation using Japanese individual data. We show that the skills of workers in metropolitan areas are 9.68% higher than the skills of workers in nonmetropolitan areas. In the counterfactual situation in which there is no migrati…

                        • 経済学
                        • Agglomeration Economies in Vietnam: A Firm-Level Analysis

                          Gokan, Toshitaka: Ikuo Kuroiwa: Kentaro Nakajima
                          『 Journal of Asian Economics』 Vol. 62 pp. 52-64 (2019/06/01)

                          • 経済学
                          • Article


                            Localization of knowledge-creating establishments

                            Inoue, Hiroyasu : Kentaro Nakajima : Yukiko Umeno Saito
                            『Japan and the World Economy』 Vol. 43 pp. 23-29 (2017/09/01)

                            This study investigates the localization of establishment-level knowledge creation using data from a Japanese patent database. Using distance-based methods, we obtain the following results. First, Japanese knowledge-creating establishments defined by patenting experience are significantly localized at the 5% level, with a localization …

                            • 経済学
                            • Spin-Outs and Patterns of Subsequent Innovation: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the US and Japan

                              Shimizu, Hiroshi : Naohiko Wakutsu
                              WP#17-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2017/08/28)

                              By exploring the technological development of laser diodes in the US and Japan, this study examines how the existence or absence of an entrepreneurial strategic choice for spin-outs influences patterns of subsequent technological development. The results show that spin-outs could hinder the subsequent development of existing technology…

                              • 経営学
                              • 知識のスピルオーバー
                              • 人材移動
                              • 経済学
                              • IIR Working Paper

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                                The expanding Empire and spatial distribution of economic activity: the case of Japan's colonization of Korea during the prewar period

                                Nakajima, Kentaro : Tetsuji Okazaki
                                『The Economic History Review』 Vol.71 No.2 pp. 593-616 (2017/06/09)

                                In 1910, Japan annexed Korea and integrated it into the Empire of Japan. According to its policy of assimilating colonies, the Japanese government intended to remove the tariffs between Japan and Korea, an aim which had almost been realized by 1923. The removal of the tariff barrier was supposed to improve market access between Japan a…

                                • 経済学
                                • Highways and Industrial Development in the Peripheral Regions of China

                                  Xu, Hangtian : Kentaro Nakajima
                                  『Papers in Regional Science』 Vol.96 No.2 pp. 325-356 (2017/06/01)

                                  This study estimates how highways affected industrial development in China's peripheral regions between 1998 and 2007, a period during which China experienced rapid grow…

                                  • 経済学
                                  • The Impact of the Opening of High-Speed Rail on Innovation

                                    Inoue, Hiroyasu : Kentaro Nakajima : Yukiko Saito
                                    17-E-034 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2017/03/31)

                                    • 経済学
                                    • Did China’s Coal Mine Regulation Positively Affect Economic Growth?

                                      Xu, Hangtian : Kentaro Nakajima
                                      『Resources Policy』 Vol.50 pp. 160-168 (2016/12/01)

                                      In response to high mortality rates and low productivity in coal mining, China began regulating coal mines in the 1990s, reshaping its coal economy. We investigate the relationship between coal mine regulation and economic growth. Using the difference-in-difference approach to compare the pre- and post-regulation periods as well as reg…

                                      • 経済学
                                      • Multi-region Job Search with Moving Costs

                                        Kawata, Keisuke : Kentaro Nakajima : Yasuhiro Sato
                                        『Regional Science and Urban Economics』 Vol.61 pp. 114-129 (2016/11/01)

                                        We develop a competitive search model involving multiple regions, geographically mobile workers, and moving costs. Equilibrium mobility patterns are analyzed and characterized, and the results indicate that shocks to a particular region, such as a productivity shock, can propagate to other regions through workers' mobility. Moreover, e…

                                        • 経済学