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Page 1 (1 - 20) of 37 Results

Economic sociology in Japan

Nakano Tsutomu: Masaru Karube: Yoshimichi Sato: Naoki Wakabayashi
『economic sociology. perspectives and conversations』 23 1 11-18 (2021/11/30)

Economic sociology is an established field in the Western tradition of sociology. Departing from the instrumental rationality of neoclassical economics (Weber 1968), it has made a breakthrough with its foundational conception that economic action of individuals constructs social structures and these social structures heavily influence …

  • 経営学
  • 組織論
  • 社会学
  • 経済学
  • Institutional Factors for Academic Entrepreneurship in Publicly Owned Universities in Japan: Transition from a Conservative Anti-industry University Collaboration Culture to a Leading Entrepreneurial University

    Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru
    『Science, Technology and Society』 Vol. 24 No. 3 pp. 423-445 (2019/10/01)

    • 社会学
    • アントレプレナー
    • 産学連携
    • Article


      When and How Do Audit Firms Trigger Status Downgrades of Post-IPO Firms?

      29th SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) Annual Meeting (2017/06/30)

      Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

      • 組織論
      • 社会学
      • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


        Fate of Bad Apples: Organizational Responses to Wrongdoers in the Japanese Audit Industry

        International Workshop on Business Research (Organized by Management Innovation Research Center, Hitotsubashi University) (2017/02/10)

        Paper submitted by Karube, Masaru

        • 経営学
        • 組織論
        • 社会学
        • 会計学
        • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


          Overcoming Organizational Silos: Role of New Clients in Post-Merger Integration

          76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2016/08/09)

          Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

          • 経営学
          • 組織論
          • 社会学
          • 会計学
          • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


            Is Higher Status an Indicator of Higher Quality? Evidence from Japanese Audit Industry, 2002-2014

            28th Annual Meeting of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) (2016/06/24)

            Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

            • 経営学
            • 組織論
            • 社会学
            • 会計学
            • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


              Making Global Neighborhoods Work: The Analysis of China’s Wenzhou Entrepreneurial Community

              Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Motoko Tsujita
              WP#13-26 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2014/03/28)

              Exploring small worlds in social networks using big data has been all the rage. But true estimates of how they actually work have been fraught with technical difficultie…

              • 社会学
              • ネットワーク
              • IIR Working Paper


                Integrating Personal Expertise: A History of Japanese Audit Firms, 1965–2010

                KARUBE, Masaru : Hironori Fukukawa
                WP#13-07 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2013/03/21)

                To examine empirically the knowledge integration process of professional expertise that individuals have in a professional firm, this paper examines the emergence and g…

                • 組織論
                • 社会学
                • IIR Working Paper

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                  Knowledge Creation Process in Science: Key Comparative Findings from the Hitotsubashi-NISTEP-Georgia Tech Scientists' Survey in Japan and the US

                  Nagaoka, Sadao: Masatsura Igami: John P. Walsh: Tomohiro Ijichi
                  WP#11-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2011/10/25)

                  This paper reports the initial findings from large scale surveys of the scientists based in Japan and the US on the knowledge creation process in science from a comparat…

                  • 社会学
                  • 産学官連携
                  • IIR Working Paper

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                    Knowledge Creation Process in Science: Basic findings from a large-scale survey of researchers in Japan

                    Nagaoka, Sadao: Masatsura Igami: Manabu Eto: Tomohiro Ijichi
                    WP#10-08 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/12/24)

                    This paper reports the initial findings from a large scale survey of Japanese researchers on the knowledge creation process in science. The survey was jointly conducted by the Institute of Innovation Research of Hitotsubashi University and the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy . It collected 2,100 responses on researc…

                    • 社会学
                    • 産学官連携
                    • IIR Working Paper

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                      Science-Based Business: Knowledge Capital or Entrepreneurial Ability? Theory and Evidence from a Survey of Biotechnology Start-ups

                      Braguinsky, Serguey:Yuji Honjo:Sadao Nagaoka:Kenta Nakamura
                      WP#10-05 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/09/01)

                      We present a model of science-based entrepreneurship where ideas initially produced by researchers with high-level knowledge capital may be developed by high-ability entrepreneurs. With moderate investment costs, startups continuously managed by inventors-founders coexist in equilibrium with startups that experience entrepreneurial tu…

                      • 社会学
                      • 産学官連携
                      • IIR Working Paper

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                        Time-Varying Employment Risks and Consumption: A Quantitative General Equilibrium Study

                        Nirei, Makoto:Sanjib Sarker
                        WP#08-04 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2008/09/12)

                        • 社会学
                        • IIR Working Paper

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                          Secrets of One's Life: Structuring Luck

                          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                          『Organizational Science』 , Shiten (Point of View), Vol. 41 No. 4 p. 83 (in Japanese) (2008/06/01)

                          • 社会学
                          • Article


                            Lucky Guys, Unlucky Ones: Networks Bring You ‘Structural’ Chances

                            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                            『Link』 , Japan Business Computer No. 193 pp. 10-17 (in Japanese) (2008/01/01)

                            • 社会学
                            • Article


                              Social Systems Theory

                              Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                              『Social Welfare Research Quarterly』 , Meiji Yasuda Institute of Life and Wellness, Vol. 17 No. 2 pp. 4-23 (in Japanese) (2008/01/01)

                              • 社会学
                              • Article


                                IIR Working Paper

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                                What Japanese Workers Want: Evidence from the Japanese Worker Representation and Participation Survey

                                Chuma, Hiroyuki:Takao Kato:Isao Ohashi
                                RIETI Discussion Paper 04-E-019 ( Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) (2004/04)

                                • 社会学
                                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                  The Determinants of Venture Capital: A Panel Data Analysis of 16 OECD Countries

                                  Romain, Astrid:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                                  WP#03-25 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/12)

                                  • 社会学
                                  • IIR Working Paper

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                                    Knowledge Partitioning in the Interfirm Division of Labor: The Case of Automotive Product Development

                                    Takeishi, Akira
                                    『Organization Science』 Vol.13 No.3 pp.321-338 (2002)

                                    • 社会学
                                    • Article


                                      Knowledge Emergence: Social, Technical, and Evolutionary Dimensions of Knowledge Creation

                                      Nonaka, Ikujiro: Toshihiro Nishiguchi(編)
                                      Oxford University Press, 320 pp.(2001)

                                      • 社会学
                                      • Edit
