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Page 1 (1 - 20) of 69 Results

Economic sociology in Japan

Nakano Tsutomu: Masaru Karube: Yoshimichi Sato: Naoki Wakabayashi
『economic sociology. perspectives and conversations』 23 1 11-18 (2021/11/30)

Economic sociology is an established field in the Western tradition of sociology. Departing from the instrumental rationality of neoclassical economics (Weber 1968), it has made a breakthrough with its foundational conception that economic action of individuals constructs social structures and these social structures heavily influence …

  • 経営学
  • 組織論
  • 社会学
  • 経済学
  • National Origin Diversity and Innovation Performance

    Kang, Byeongwoo : Kaoru Nabeshima
    2020-E-2 WIAPS Discussion Paper Series (2020/09/01)

    • 組織論
    • イノベーションの経済分析
    • Working Paper(outside IIR)


      Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar

      Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) (2020/08/07)

      What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic ini…

      • 経営学
      • 戦略論
      • 組織論
      • 多国籍企業
      • イノベーショントランスファー
      • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


        Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar

        Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) (2020/07/18)

        What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic ini…

        • 経営学
        • 戦略論
        • 組織論
        • 多国籍企業
        • イノベーショントランスファー
        • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


          Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar

          Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB) (2020/07/01)

          What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic ini…

          • 経営学
          • 戦略論
          • 組織論
          • 多国籍企業
          • イノベーショントランスファー
          • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


            The Japanese System in Evolution: Industries in Transition and Emerging Creative Industries

            77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2017/08/05)

            Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

            • 戦略論
            • 組織論
            • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


              When and How Do Audit Firms Trigger Status Downgrades of Post-IPO Firms?

              29th SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) Annual Meeting (2017/06/30)

              Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

              • 組織論
              • 社会学
              • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                Fate of Bad Apples: Organizational Responses to Wrongdoers in the Japanese Audit Industry

                International Workshop on Business Research (Organized by Management Innovation Research Center, Hitotsubashi University) (2017/02/10)

                Paper submitted by Karube, Masaru

                • 経営学
                • 組織論
                • 社会学
                • 会計学
                • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                  Overcoming Organizational Silos: Role of New Clients in Post-Merger Integration

                  76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2016/08/09)

                  Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

                  • 経営学
                  • 組織論
                  • 社会学
                  • 会計学
                  • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                    Is Higher Status an Indicator of Higher Quality? Evidence from Japanese Audit Industry, 2002-2014

                    28th Annual Meeting of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) (2016/06/24)

                    Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

                    • 経営学
                    • 組織論
                    • 社会学
                    • 会計学
                    • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                      Integrating Personal Expertise: A History of Japanese Audit Firms, 1965–2010

                      KARUBE, Masaru : Hironori Fukukawa
                      WP#13-07 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2013/03/21)

                      To examine empirically the knowledge integration process of professional expertise that individuals have in a professional firm, this paper examines the emergence and g…

                      • 組織論
                      • 社会学
                      • IIR Working Paper

                        PDF DOWNLOAD


                        Effects of Government Funding on R&D Performance leading to Commercialization

                        Yaichi Aoshima: Kazunari Matsushima: Manabu Eto
                        『 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development』 Vol.12, No.1 (2013/01/01)

                        This paper draws on data obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted for the 242 private R&D projects supported by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Developm…

                        • 技術経営
                        • 組織論
                        • 技術政策
                        • 産学官連携
                        • Magicc
                        • Article


                          The Importance of Technology Integration Capabilities: evaluating the impact on 3D technologies on product development performance in Japan and China

                          Yoko Takeda: Yaichi Aoshima: Kentaro Nobeoka
                          『Int. J. Product Development』 Vol.16 No.1 26-44 (2012)

                          New multi-functional technologies often require technology integration capabilities that integrate new technologies into their organizational processes and introduce internal changes to ensure an effective fit with the new technology. This paper endeavours to examine the impact of 3D technologies such as 3D CAD on product development p…

                          • 技術経営
                          • 組織論
                          • Article


                            Types of Upward Communication and Organizational Characteristics in Japanese Firms

                            Kato, Toshihiko: Tsuyoshi Numagami: Masaru Karube: Masato Sasaki: Yoshiki Murakami: Hiroshi Watanabe
                            Paper accepted for presentation at the 2011 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 12-16, San Antonio, TX USA (2011/08)

                            • 組織論
                            • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                              Organizational Deadweight: Learning From Japan

                              Numagami, Tsuyoshi: Masaru Karube: Toshihiko Kato
                              『The Academy of Management Perspectives』 Vol. 24 No. 4 pp. 25-37 (2010/11)

                              • 組織論
                              • Article


                                Intra-organizational Networks and Information Flows within an Organization

                                Numagami, Tsuyoshi: Masaru Karube: Toshihiko Kato: Masato Sasaki: Hiroshi Watanabe: Yoshiki Murakami
                                Paper accepted for presentation at the 30th Strategic Management Society Conference, September 12-15, Rome, Italy (2010/09)

                                • 組織論
                                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                  M&As and Corporate Performance in Japan: Transferring vs. Sharing of Control Right

                                  Nagaoka, Sadao, Itami, Hiroyuki:Ken Kusunoki:Tsuyoshi Numagami:Akira Takeishi(編)『Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation』 Chpater 10, pp. 247-265
                                  Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg(2010/01)

                                  • 組織論
                                  • A Book Chapter


                                    Organizational Deadweight and the Internal Functioning of Japanese Firms: An Explorative Analysis of Organizational Dysfunction

                                    Kato, Toshihiko:Masaru Karube:Tsuyoshi Numagami, Itami, Hiroyuki:Ken Kusunoki:Tsuyoshi Numagami:Akira Takeishi(編)『Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation』 pp. 125-164

                                    • 組織論
                                    • A Book Chapter


                                      Inter-Organizational Collaboration in Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan: University-Industry Relation

                                      Shimizu, Hiroshi:Takashi Hirao
                                      『International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness』 Vol.4 No.1 pp.15-21 (2009/12)

                                      • 組織論
                                      • Article


                                        Why Can't Elephants Dance? A New Perspective on Organizational Deterioration in Large Established Firms

                                        Karube, Masaru:Toshihiko Kato:Tsuyoshi Numagami
                                        Abstract accepted for a full paper presentation at the 24th Cardiff Employment Research Unit (ERU) Annual Conference, September 3-4, 2009, Cardiff, UK (2009/09)

                                        • 組織論
                                        • Working Paper(outside IIR)
