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Page 1 (1 - 20) of 243 Results

Determinants of contract renewals in university–industry contract research: Going my way, or good Sam?

Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi and Makiko Takahashi, Springer (2021/09/01)

Long-term university–industry contract research benefits both universities and the industry, as it can potentially reduce transaction costs and improve the quality of su…

  • 技術経営
  • Others



    Patent Quality: Towards a Systematic Framework for Analysis and Measurement

    Higham, Kyle:Gaétande Rassenfosse:Adam B.Jaffe
    『Research Policy』 Vol. 50 Issue 4 (2021/05/01)

    The quality of novel technological innovations is extremely variable, and the ability to measure innovation quality is essential to sensible, evidence-based policy. Patents, an often vital precursor to a commercialised innovation, share this heterogeneous quality distribution. A pertinent question then arises: How should we define and …

    • 技術経営
    • 技術政策
    • イノベーションの計測
    • イノベーション政策
    • 特許
    • An Analysis of the Trilemma Phenomenon for Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy

      Yun, Bo-Seong: Sang-Gun Lee: Yaichi Aoshima, 『Service Business』 Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 779-814

      Starting from industry 4.0 in Germany and followed by the New Strategy for American Innovation in the USA and the smartization strategy in Japan, developed countries are…

      • 経営学
      • 技術経営
      • 戦略論
      • The Dilemma of Design Innovation: Analysis of Mobile Phone’s Design Patent

        Akiike, Atsushi: Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi: Sotaro Katsumata
        『Annals of Business Administrative Science』 Vol. 18 No. 6 pp. 209-222 (2019/10/01)

        • 技術経営
        • デザイン
        • Article





          • 経営学
          • 技術経営
          • 技術史
          • Magicc
          • 大河内賞
          • 日本企業
          • イノベーション政策
          • 不確実性
          • A Comparative Study on Industrial Spillover Effects among Korea, China, the USA, Germany and Japan

            Min, Yong-Ki : Sang-Gun Lee : Yaichi Aoshima, 『Industrial Management & Data Systems』 Vol.119, Issue 3, pp. 454-472

            • 経営学
            • 技術経営
            • 知識のスピルオーバー
            • Landscape of Standard Essential Patents: Case of East Asian Firms

              The 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (2016/11/18)

              Conference Paper: submitted by Dang, Jianwei, Byeongwoo Kang and Ke Ding

              • 技術経営
              • 知的財産権
              • 標準化
              • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                Mobilizing Scarce Resource through Social Networks: Exploring Mechanism that Accelerated the Growth of the Chinese PV Industry

                PICMET'16 "Technology Management for Social Innovation" (2016/09/07)

                Conference Paper: submitted by Aoshima, Yaichi, Wen Wang and Jinwel Zhu

                • 経営学
                • 技術経営
                • ネットワーク
                • Magicc
                • 政策のための科学
                • アントレプレナー
                • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                  Innovation Created from Differences in Regulations: A Case Study of the Electric-Assist Bicycle

                  PICMET'16 "Technology Management for Social Innovation" (2016/09/06)

                  Conference Paper: submitted by Eto, Manabu

                  • 技術経営
                  • 規制
                  • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                    An Index of R&D Productivity: To Estimate R&D Contribution for Profit

                    Masami Asai
                    『PICMET』 2014 Proceeding 2558-2586 (2014/07/30)

                    Some indexes of R&D productivity have existed such as sales vs. R&D expense, operating income vs. R&D expense, and they are used for relative evaluation among competitor…

                    • 技術経営
                    • Article


                      Reassessing Patent Propensity: Evidence from a dataset of R&D awards, 1977–2004

                      Roberto Fontana:Nuvolari, Alessandro:Shimizu, Hiroshi:Vezzulli, Andrea
                      『Research Policy』 Vol. 42 (10) pp.1780-1792 (2013/12/01)

                      • 経営学
                      • 技術経営
                      • 知的財産権
                      • イノベーションの計測
                      • 知的財産
                      • The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. and NGK Insulators, Ltd. : Inside Cooperative Innovation: Development and Commercialization of Sodium-Sulfur Batteries for Power Storage

                        Fukushima, Eishi
                        CASE#13-01 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2013/04/23)

                        This case study is the result of research undertaken for the Research Project on Okochi Prize Cases, which is being conducted with financial support from the Dynamics of…

                        • 技術経営
                        • 大河内賞
                        • IIR Case Study

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                          Effects of Government Funding on R&D Performance leading to Commercialization

                          Yaichi Aoshima: Kazunari Matsushima: Manabu Eto
                          『 International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development』 Vol.12, No.1 (2013/01/01)

                          This paper draws on data obtained from a questionnaire survey conducted for the 242 private R&D projects supported by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Developm…

                          • 技術経営
                          • 組織論
                          • 技術政策
                          • 産学官連携
                          • Magicc
                          • Article


                            Possibilities of Geothermal Power Generation in Japan: Notes from an Iceland Field Study

                            Aoshima, Yaichi : Tomono Miki
                            WP#12-11 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2012/09/12)

                            • 技術経営
                            • Magicc
                            • IIR Working Paper

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                              Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the sources of breakthrough inventions: evidence from a data-set of R&D awards

                              Fontana, Roberto: Alessandro Nuvolari: Hiroshi Shimizu: Andrea Vezzulli
                              『Journal of Evolutionary Economics』 Vol.22 No.4 pp. 785-810 (2012/09/01)

                              This paper examines the relationship between Schumpeterian patterns of innovation and the generation of breakthrough inventions. Our data source for breakthrough inven…

                              • 経営学
                              • 技術経営
                              • 技術政策
                              • 経済学
                              • Study of the Management for Successful R&D Projects Supported by Public Funds

                                Yamazaki Akira: Kazunari Matsushima: Kenichiro Mizuno
                                WP#12-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2012/07/31)

                                There are various factors associated with success or failure of R&D projects, such as maturity of the technology, circumstances surrounding R&D systems within companies and environments for commercialization of R&D projects. For R&D projects supported by public funds in particular, it has been difficult to clarify what makes R&D projec…

                                • 経営学
                                • 技術経営
                                • 産学官連携
                                • IIR Working Paper

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                                  Development of the Polyamide Composite Reverse Osmosis Membrane and Reverse Osmosis Membrane System: A Case Study of Toray Industries, Inc.

                                  Fujiwara, Masatoshi: Yaichi Aoshima: Tomono Miki
                                  CASE#12-08 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2012/07/06)

                                  Water scarcity has become a serious problem due to global economic development, population growth, and environmental pollution, creating a huge demand for seawater desal…

                                  • 技術経営
                                  • Magicc
                                  • 大河内賞
                                  • IIR Case Study

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                                    Seiko Epson Corporation: Development of an Inkjet Printer that Produces High-Resolution Text and Images

                                    Aoshima, Yaichi: Makoto Kitamura
                                    CASE#12-07 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2012/07/06)

                                    The inkjet (IJ) printer business has now become the core business that supports Seiko Epson (Epson). However, the road to that point was not all smooth sailing. In parti…

                                    • 技術経営
                                    • 大河内賞
                                    • IIR Case Study

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                                      A Pitfall of Environmental Policy: An analysis of “Eco-point Program” in Japan and its application to the renewable energy policy

                                      Aoshima, Yaichi : Hiroshi Shimizu
                                      WP#12-12 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2012/05/01)

                                      • 技術経営
                                      • Magicc
                                      • IIR Working Paper

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                                        The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of the Okouchi Prizes and a Comparison with the R&D 100 Awards

                                        Shimizu, Hiroshi: Yusuke Hoshino
                                        WP#12-02 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2012/02/16)

                                        This paper conducts preliminary analysis on technological innovation by using prize and award data sets: the Okouchi Prizes and the R&D 100 Awards. It aims to outline longitudinal patterns of award-winning industries, organizational type, and inter-organizational collaboration. First, it shows that most awards in the 1960s were given i…

                                        • 技術経営
                                        • IIR Working Paper

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