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  • 経営学
  • 技術経営
  • 技術史
  • Magicc
  • 大河内賞
  • 日本企業
  • イノベーション政策
  • 不確実性
  • Intermediary Functions and the Market for Innovation in Meiji and Taisho Japan

    Nicholas, Tom: Hiroshi Shimizu
    『Business History Review』 Vol.87 (Spring) pp.121-149 (2013/05/25)

    • 技術史
    • 知的財産権
    • 知的財産
    • 知的財産制度
    • Article


      Different Evolutionary Paths: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the U.S. and Japan: 1960-2000

      Shimizu, Hiroshi
      『Business History』 Vol.52 No.7 pp. 1151-1181 (2010/12)

      • 技術史
      • Article


        Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs and Networks in the Case of Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan, 1960-2000

        Shimizu, Hiroshi
        #114 Hitotsubashi University Center for Japanese Business Studies (2010/01)

        • 技術史
        • Working Paper(outside IIR)


          Patent Statistics as an Innovation Indicator

          Nagaoka, Sadao:Kazuyuki Motohashi:Akira Goto, Hall, Bronwyn H.:Nathan Rosenberg(編)『Handbook of the Economics of Innovation』 Vol. 2, pp. 1083-1127

          • 技術史
          • A Book Chapter


            Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2002

            Nagaoka, Sadao:Akira Takeishi:Yoshihisa Noro
            『Journal of the Japanese and International Economies』 Vol. 22 No. 2 pp. 187-206 (2008/06)

            We have assessed the determinants of the choice of integration, relational contracting (keiretsu sourcing) and market sourcing by seven Japanese automobile manufacturers (OEMs) with respect to 54 components in light of contract economics. Our major findings are the following. First, the specificity and interdependency of a component si…

            • 技術史
            • Article


              Competition, Knowledge Spillover, and Technological Change: Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers 1960-1990

              Shimizu, Hiroshi
              Ph.D. Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science(2007/07)

              • 技術史
              • Book


                The International History of Japanese Economic Thought and Policy, 1945-2000

                Hein, Laura:Shimizu Hiroshi
                『The History of Economic Thought』 Vol.47 No.1 pp.79-93 (2005/07)

                • 技術史
                • Article


                  The Impact of Collaborative Agreement on Firms' Performances: The case of the IT industry in the 90's

                  Mortehan, Olivier:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                  WP#03-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/08)

                  • 技術史
                  • IIR Working Paper

                    PDF DOWNLOAD


                    How Japan-US Economic Interdependency Changed from 1985 to 1990?: Some Findings from Price Adjsuted MITI's Inter-country IO Tables

                    Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                    『Economic Systems Research』 Vol.10 No.1 pp.45-62 (1998)

                    • 技術史
                    • Article


                      The Japanese Steel Industry in the 1990s

                      Yonekura, Seiichiro:F. Guelle, Ranieri, Ruggero:Enrico Gibellieri(編)『The Steel Industry in the New Millennium, Vol.2: Institutions, Privatisations and Social Dimensions』 Vol. 2, pp. 151-170
                      The University Press(1998)

                      • 技術史
                      • A Book Chapter


                        The Japanese Iron and Steel Industry, 1850-1990―Continuity and Discontinuity

                        Yonekura, Seiichiro
                        London: Macmillan, NY: St. Martin's Press(1994)

                        • 技術史
                        • Book


                          The year 1992 -- A Scenario toward the Survival of the European Automotive Industry

                          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                          『Business Review』 vol. 38 No. 2 pp. 59-69 (in Japanese) (1990)

                          • 技術史
                          • Article




                            Entrepreneurship and Innovative Behavior of Kawasaki Steel in the Post World War II Period

                            Yonekura, Seiichiro
                            Discussion Paper No. 120 Institute of Business Research, Hitotsubashi University (1984)

                            • 技術史
                            • Working Paper(outside IIR)
