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Patent Quality: Towards a Systematic Framework for Analysis and Measurement

Higham, Kyle:Gaétande Rassenfosse:Adam B.Jaffe
『Research Policy』 Vol. 50 Issue 4 (2021/05/01)

The quality of novel technological innovations is extremely variable, and the ability to measure innovation quality is essential to sensible, evidence-based policy. Patents, an often vital precursor to a commercialised innovation, share this heterogeneous quality distribution. A pertinent question then arises: How should we define and …

  • 技術経営
  • 技術政策
  • イノベーションの計測
  • イノベーション政策
  • 特許
  • Individual-level Determinants of Academic Patent Licensing to Start-ups: Impacts of Principal Investigators’ Embeddedness in the Industry

    Modic, Dolores : Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, in Novotny, Adam : Einar Rasmussen : Tommy H. Clause : Johan Wiklund(編)『Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems』 pp. 349-365
    Edward Elgar Publishing(2020/02/01)

    • イノベーション政策
    • 産学連携
    • A Book Chapter





      • 経営学
      • 技術経営
      • 技術史
      • Magicc
      • 大河内賞
      • 日本企業
      • イノベーション政策
      • 不確実性
      • Effects of Local Government Subsidy on Rooftop Solar PV in Japan

        The International Conference on Renewable energy Research and Application, ICRERA 2017 (2017/10/06)

        Conference Paper: submitted by Asano, Kenji and Yaichi Aoshima

        • 技術政策
        • Magicc
        • 政策のための科学
        • イノベーション政策
        • 社会革新
        • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper
