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The Role of Face-to-face Contact in Innovation: The Evidence from the Spanish Flu Pandemic in Japan

Inoue, Hiroyasu: Kentaro Nakajima: Tetsuji Okazaki: Yukiko Umeno Saito
22-E-026 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2022/03/01)

  • イノベーションの経済分析
  • イノベーションの経済地理分析
  • 知識のスピルオーバー
  • イノベーション
  • 経済学
  • Effects of early patent publication on knowledge dissemination: Evidence from U.S. patent law reform

    Okada, Yoshimi :Sadao Nagaoka
    『Information Economics and Policy』 (2020/01/25)

    In order to assess effects of early publication of patent applications on the dissemination of the disclosed technological knowledge, this study examines the impacts of the 18-month pre-grant publication system introduced in the United States in 2000. It focuses on the variations of the applicant non-self-citations driven by the actual…

    • 知的財産権
    • 知的財産制度
    • 知識
    • 知識のスピルオーバー
    • A Comparative Study on Industrial Spillover Effects among Korea, China, the USA, Germany and Japan

      Min, Yong-Ki : Sang-Gun Lee : Yaichi Aoshima, 『Industrial Management & Data Systems』 Vol.119, Issue 3, pp. 454-472

      • 経営学
      • 技術経営
      • 知識のスピルオーバー
      • The Impacts of Export Competition on International Technology Flows

        Nabeshima, Kaoru : Mila Kashcheeva : Byeongwoo Kang
        『Applied Economics Letters』 pp. 1-4 (2017/10/25)

        Knowledge flow is a key to building technological capabilities. This article investigates how competition in international trade affects knowledge flow between countries…

        • イノベーションの経済分析
        • 知識
        • 知識のスピルオーバー
        • Spin-Outs and Patterns of Subsequent Innovation: Technological Development of Laser Diodes in the US and Japan

          Shimizu, Hiroshi : Naohiko Wakutsu
          WP#17-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2017/08/28)

          By exploring the technological development of laser diodes in the US and Japan, this study examines how the existence or absence of an entrepreneurial strategic choice for spin-outs influences patterns of subsequent technological development. The results show that spin-outs could hinder the subsequent development of existing technology…

          • 経営学
          • 知識のスピルオーバー
          • 人材移動
          • 経済学
          • IIR Working Paper

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            The Impact of Import vs. Export Competition in Technology Flows between Countries

            Kaoru, Nabeshima : Mila Kashcheeva : Byeongwoo Kang
            No. 654 IDE Discussion Papers (2017/04/01)

            Many countries are interested in strengthening their technological capabilities to achieve high growth rates. Knowledge flow is a key to build technological capabilities…

            • イノベーションの経済分析
            • 知識
            • 知識のスピルオーバー
            • Mobility of Highly Skilled Retirees from Japan to the Republic of Korea and Taiwan

              Kang, Byeongwoo : Yukihito Sato : Yasushi Ueki
              ERIA Discussion Paper 2016-31 Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (2017/02/28)

              Attracting highly skilled workers is a major element in the economic development of many countries, especially developing ones. However, workers generally move from developing countries to developed ones. Historical evidence indicates that Korean and Taiwanese firms scout for highly skilled (retired or soon-to-retire) Japanese workers …

              • 知識のスピルオーバー
              • 人材移動
              • Descriptive analysis of the knowledge network formation in East Asia

                Nabeshima, Kaoru : Byeongwoo Kang : Mila Kashcheeva
                『Technology in Society』 Vol.47 pp. 66-100 (2016/11/01)

                This paper shows descriptively how the knowledge network in East Asia has been formed. In addition, the correlation between the knowledge network and economic growth is also examined. Evidence is provided to show that plugging into the knowledge network of developed economies could be a key for increasing innovativeness in an economy.

                • 知識
                • イノベーションの経済地理分析
                • 知識のスピルオーバー
                • Testing for localization: A new approach

                  Murata, Yasusada : Ryo Nakajima : Ryuichi Tamura
                  WP#16-11 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/08/19)

                  Recent empirical studies document that knowledge spillovers attenuate and industry localization decays with distance. It is thus imperative to detect localization accurately especially at short distances. We propose a new approach to testing for localization that corrects the first-order bias at and near the boundary in existing method…

                  • イノベーションの経済地理分析
                  • 知識のスピルオーバー
                  • IIR Working Paper

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