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Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar

Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (AOM) (2020/08/07)

What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic ini…

  • 経営学
  • 戦略論
  • 組織論
  • 多国籍企業
  • イノベーショントランスファー
  • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


    Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar

    Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE) (2020/07/18)

    What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic ini…

    • 経営学
    • 戦略論
    • 組織論
    • 多国籍企業
    • イノベーショントランスファー
    • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


      Institutionally derived strategic influence of MNC subsidiaries, Conference Paper: submitted by Padrón-Hernández, Ivar

      Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business (AIB) (2020/07/01)

      What role do host country institutions play for the strategic influence of subsidiaries in mul-tinational enterprises (MNEs)? Through an inductive study of ten headquarters-subsidiary dyads across three MNEs, this paper identifies enablers of subsidiary influence in proposed strategies from headquarters, i.e., headquarter strategic ini…

      • 経営学
      • 戦略論
      • 組織論
      • 多国籍企業
      • イノベーショントランスファー
      • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


        An Analysis of the Trilemma Phenomenon for Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy

        Yun, Bo-Seong: Sang-Gun Lee: Yaichi Aoshima, 『Service Business』 Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 779-814

        Starting from industry 4.0 in Germany and followed by the New Strategy for American Innovation in the USA and the smartization strategy in Japan, developed countries are…

        • 経営学
        • 技術経営
        • 戦略論
        • The Japanese System in Evolution: Industries in Transition and Emerging Creative Industries

          77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2017/08/05)

          Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

          • 戦略論
          • 組織論
          • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


            Blind Pursuit of Strategic Goals: An Examination of Middle Managers' Strategic Orientations in Japanese Firms

            Karube,Masaru:Toshihiko Kato
            『Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management』 Vol. 43 No. 1 pp. 27-45 (2009/10)

            • 戦略論
            • Article


              Working Paper(outside IIR)


              IIR Working Paper

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              China’s Development Model: An Alternative Strategy for Technological Catch-Up

              Xielin Liu
              WP#05-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2005/03/22)

              • 戦略論
              • IIR Working Paper


                (Editorial) The Future is UNWIRED: Organizational and Strategic Perspectives

                Jarvenpaa, Sirkka: Akira Takeishi: Bertil Thorngren
                『Journal of Strategic Information Systems』 Vol. 14 No. 3 pp. 243-244 (2005)

                • 戦略論
                • Article


                  Netcentric Strategies

                  Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                  『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 vol. 52 No. 1 pp. 48-63 (in Japanese) (2004/06)

                  • 戦略論
                  • Article


                    Escaping the Red Queen Effect in Competitive Strategy: How Managers Can Change Industry Rules by Sense-Testing their Business Models

                    Voelpel, Sven C.:Marius Leibold:Eden B. Tekie:Georg von Krogh
                    WP#03-18 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/08)

                    • 戦略論
                    • IIR Working Paper

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                      The Wheel of Business Model Reinvention: How to Reshape Your Business Model and Organizational Fitness to Leapfrog Competitors

                      Voelpel, Sven C.:Marius Leibold:Eden B. Tekie
                      WP#03-10 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/05)

                      • 戦略論
                      • IIR Working Paper

                        PDF DOWNLOAD


                        National Industrial Technology Development Strategies and Japan’s Innovation System

                        Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                        『Journal of International Trade and Industry』 Vol. 19 pp. 33-38 (2000)

                        • 戦略論
                        • Article


                          Why Japan Needs Strat-ups

                          Yonekura, Seiichiro:Michael J. Lynskey
                          『Journal of Japanese Trade & Industry』 Vol. 19 No. 4 pp. 10-13 (2000)

                          • 戦略論
                          • Article


                            International Trade Aspects of Competition Policy

                            Nagaoka, Sadao, Ito, Takatoshi:Anne O. Krueger(編)『Deregulation and Interdependence in the Asia-Pacific Region』 pp. 55-74
                            University of Chicago Press(2000)

                            • 戦略論
                            • A Book Chapter


                              Strategic Management of Supplier Involvement in Automobile Product Development

                              Takeishi, Akira
                              『Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, MIT Slaon School of Management』 (1998/02)

                              • 戦略論
                              • Article


                                A Proposed New Structural Framework for the Management of Cooperative Research Projects between Universities, Government and Industry in Japan

                                Eto, Manabu
                                『A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations,』 Science Policy Institute, State University of New York, pp. 113-115 (1998)

                                • 戦略論
                                • 技術政策
                                • Article


                                  Innovation Strategy and Business Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Firms

                                  Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                                  『Economics of Innovation and New Technology』 Vol.7 No.1 pp.27-52 (1998)

                                  • 戦略論
                                  • Article


                                    Engineering Outsourcing and Coevolution

                                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                    『The Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun』 p. 17 (in Japanese) (1997/12/19)

                                    • 戦略論
                                    • Article
