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Page 10 (181 - 200) of 849 Results

Innovation and the Merger Paradox

Miyagiwa, Kaz: Yunyun (Jiangyun) Wan
『Economics Letters』 Volume 147 October 2016 pp. 5-7 (2016/10/01)

The merger paradox in Cournot oligopoly is revisited in the presence of R&D investment. Two cases are presented in which firms merge profitably without satisfying the 80-percent threshold requirement of Salant et al. (1983).

  • 経済学
  • Mobilizing Scarce Resource through Social Networks: Exploring Mechanism that Accelerated the Growth of the Chinese PV Industry

    PICMET'16 "Technology Management for Social Innovation" (2016/09/07)

    Conference Paper: submitted by Aoshima, Yaichi, Wen Wang and Jinwel Zhu

    • 経営学
    • 技術経営
    • ネットワーク
    • Magicc
    • 政策のための科学
    • アントレプレナー
    • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


      Innovation Created from Differences in Regulations: A Case Study of the Electric-Assist Bicycle

      PICMET'16 "Technology Management for Social Innovation" (2016/09/06)

      Conference Paper: submitted by Eto, Manabu

      • 技術経営
      • 規制
      • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


        An alternative to the standardized approach for assessing credit risk under the Basel Accords

        Konno, Yukiko : Yuki Itoh
        『Cogent Economics & Finance』 Vol.4 No.1,1220119 1-13 (2016/08/19)

        • 経営学
        • 経済学
        • Testing for localization: A new approach

          Murata, Yasusada : Ryo Nakajima : Ryuichi Tamura
          WP#16-11 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/08/19)

          Recent empirical studies document that knowledge spillovers attenuate and industry localization decays with distance. It is thus imperative to detect localization accurately especially at short distances. We propose a new approach to testing for localization that corrects the first-order bias at and near the boundary in existing method…

          • イノベーションの経済地理分析
          • 知識のスピルオーバー
          • IIR Working Paper

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            Reverse payments and generic entry competition

            Wan, Yunyun (Jiangyun)
            WP#16-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/08/19)

            In the United States, brand-name drug manufacturers often pay generic companies to delay marketing of their generic products. In this paper we develop an analytical framework to examine the implications of banning reverse payment settlements. We first find that reverse payment settlements occur when generic firms face relatively high e…

            • 経済学
            • IIR Working Paper

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              A creative city planning framework by a private company: Case study of the development of Futako-Tamagawa by Tokyu

              Konno, Yukiko : Yuki Itoh
              WP#16-10 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/08/19)

              While most studies of the creative city focus on the policy of governance or local governance, we study the creative city framework led by a private company. Concretely,…

              • 経営学
              • 人材育成拠点
              • 政策のための科学
              • IIR Working Paper


                Overcoming Organizational Silos: Role of New Clients in Post-Merger Integration

                76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management (2016/08/09)

                Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

                • 経営学
                • 組織論
                • 社会学
                • 会計学
                • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                  IIR Working Paper

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                  Review of Juroh Hashimoto, Sengo Nihon Keizai no Seichou Kouzou: Kigyō System to Sangyō Seisaku no Bunseki (The Structure of Postwar Japan's Economic Growth: an Analysis of Enterprise Systems and Industrial Policy)

                  Yonekura, Seiichiro, Takeda, Haruhito(編)『Micro-Performance During Postwar Japan's High-Growth Era』 pp. 153-156

                  • 経営学
                  • Community Capital: The Prosperity and Limits of China’s Wenzhou Entrepreneurial Networks

                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Motoko Tsujita
                    Yuhikaku, 458 pages (The Shoko Research Institute’s (SRI) prestigious Annual Award for Outstanding Studies on Small Business 2017 and the Tadao Kiyonari’s JASVE Award 2017)(2016/07/31)

                    • ネットワーク
                    • Global spread of pharmaceutical patent protections: micro evidence from the international equivalents of the drug patents in Japan

                      Okada, Yoshimi : Sadao Nagaoka
                      WP#16-07 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/07/13)

                      We investigate the global spread of pharmaceutical patent protections as acquired by firms, based on a novel global patent database for all significant medical drugs introduced in Japan. It gives us the propensity of filing and grant rate for each country for the granted patents in Japan. Major findings are the following. Both the fili…

                      • 知的財産権
                      • 政策のための科学
                      • 知的財産制度
                      • イノベーションの科学的源泉
                      • 創薬
                      • IIR Working Paper

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                        Is Higher Status an Indicator of Higher Quality? Evidence from Japanese Audit Industry, 2002-2014

                        28th Annual Meeting of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics) (2016/06/24)

                        Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

                        • 経営学
                        • 組織論
                        • 社会学
                        • 会計学
                        • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                          Analysing R&D in the Japanese Construction Industry

                          Konno, Yukiko
                          WP#16-06 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/04/08)

                          This study examines the reasons for research and development (R&D) inactivity in the Japan’s construction industry. It focuses on the impact of Japan’s public works bid…

                          • イノベーションの経済分析
                          • イノベーションの計測
                          • IIR Working Paper


                            The measurement of scope economies using multi-product composite cost function

                            Konno, Yukiko
                            WP#16-05 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/04/08)

                            This study employs a multi-product composite cost function to examine whether the major Japanese general contractors obtain scope economies by diversification. The analysis results indicate that the contractors do not obtain scope economies by the sector and client diversification.

                            • 経営学
                            • 経済学
                            • IIR Working Paper


                              Claim Length as a Value Predictor of a Patent

                              Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
                              WP#16-04 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/04/07)

                              The claim of a patent defines the scope of patent right and provides crucial information on patent value. However, most empirical research uses only the number of claims as an indicator of patent value. We show that the breadth of a claim of Japanese patents, measured by the inverse of claim length, has significant explanatory power fo…

                              • 知的財産権
                              • IIR Working Paper

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                                "Can You Teach a Lion to Roar?" Selected African Skills Development and Capacity Building Perspectives: Breaking Down Old Paradigms and Creating New Opportunities

                                Dumisani Magadlela
                                WP#16-03 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/03/31)

                                This research paper explores selected sub-Saharan African skills development and capacity building priorities needed for the sub-continent to achieve its growth targets …

                                • 経営学
                                • IIR Working Paper

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                                  The Changing Networks of the Wenzhou Apparel Industry: Descriptive Features and Cluster Analysis

                                  Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Motoko Tsujita
                                  WP#16-02 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/03/22)

                                    IIR Working Paper

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                                    Brand Royalty and Generic Competition

                                    Wan, Yunyun(Jiangyun)
                                    WP#16-01 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2016/01/13)

                                    Facing generic competition, a brand-name drug company sometimes launches its own generic called an "authorized generic"(AG) through a third-party entity. If an authorized party transfers a substantial part of its profits to the brand-name drug company, the letter's total profit increases as a result and every branded drug that comes of…

                                    • 経済学
                                    • IIR Working Paper

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                                      Can the Wenzhou Model That Has Led Spontaneous Capitalism in China Outgrow Itself?: The Prosperity and Limits of Wenzhou Firms’ Community Capital

                                      Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Motoko Tsujita
                                      『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 63 No. 3 pp. 18-33 (in Japanese) (2015/12/24)

                                      • 経営学
                                      • Article

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