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Page 11 (201 - 220) of 849 Results

Entrepreneurship and Job Relatedness of Human Capital

Ohyama, Atsushi
『Economica』 (2015/12/01)

  • 経済学
  • Article


    Motivating and Enabling Firm Innovation Effort: Integrating Penrosian and Behavioral Theory Perspectives on Slack Resources

    Malen, Joel
    『Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management』 Vol.49 No.1 pp.37-54 (2015/10/29)

    This paper investigates why some firms make more effort to innovate than others. Building on ideas articulated by Edith Penrose in The Theory of the Growth of the Firm (2009), I develop a theoretical framework articulating how the intensity with which firms engage in innovation development to heterogeneity in levels of human and physic…

    • 経営学
    • Article


      The Samurai Company: Double Creative Response in Meiji Japan

      Yonekura, Seiichiro
      『Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management』 Vol.49 No.1 pp. 1-23 (2015/10/29)

      • 経営学
      • Article


        Japanese People Have Regained Confidence,

        JETRO Switzerland Newsletter, Issue 78 (2015/10/01)

        Aoshima, Yaichi pp.1-2

          General Article


          The Merger Paradox and R&D

          Miyagiwa, Kaz : Yunyun(Jiangyun) Wan
          WP#15-21 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/09/28)

          The merger paradox is revisited in the presence of cost-reducing R&D in Cournot oligopoly. Two cases are found, in which merger is profitable without satisfying the 80-percent threshold requirement of Salant et al (1983).

          • 経済学
          • IIR Working Paper

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            From My Bookshelf: The Earthly Bible / Tocqueville, Alexis de, De la Democratie en Amerique

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
            『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 63 No. 2 P. 89 (in Japanese) (2015/09/24)

            • 経営学
            • Article

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              Initial Public Offering and Financing of Biotechnology Start-ups: Evidence from Japan

              Honjo, Yuji : Sadao Nagaoka
              WP#15-20 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/09/10)

              This paper explores the initial public offering (IPO) and financing of biotechnology start-ups in Japan. Using a unique data set, we find that biotechnology start-ups in…

              • 経済学
              • IIR Working Paper

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                Pharmaceutical patents and generic entry competition: A New View on the Hatch-Waxman Act

                Wan, Yunyun(Jiangyun) : Kaz Miyagiwa
                WP#15-18 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/08/25)

                This paper presents a model of generic entry competition that captures salient features of the Hatch-Waxman Act, enacted with two incompaible objectives of restoring inc…

                • 経済学
                • IIR Working Paper

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                  A Cost Benefit Analysis of AminoIndex™ Cancer Screening in Japan

                  Tamura, Masaoki : Akira Imaizumi : Takahiko Muramatsu : Nobuhisa Shimba
                  WP#15-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/08/03)

                  This article presents a cost benefit analysis of AminoIndexTM Cancer Screening (AICS) in Japan. AICS is a new cancer diagnosis method based on profiles of amino acids. The cost benefit analysis is performed on each type of cancer, each sex, and each age class. The results indicate that AICS is cost-beneficial mainly for 50-75 years old…

                  • 政策のための科学
                  • イノベーションの経済分析
                  • IIR Working Paper

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                    What is Essential is Invisible to the Eye : Industrial Policy as a Dynamic Interaction Process between Government and Firms

                    Yonekura, Seiichiro
                    『Asian Research Policy』 Vol. 6 Issue 1 1-27 (2015/07/20)

                    • 経営学
                    • Article


                      Effects of early patent disclosure on knowledge dissemination: evidence from the pre-grant publication system introduced in the United States

                      Okada, Yoshimi and Sadao Nagaoka
                      WP#15-12 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/07/10)

                      In order to assess the disclosure function of the patent system, this study examined the impact of the pre-grant publication system introduced in the United States in 2000. Unlike earlier studies, the applicant (inventor) non-self-citations (excluding examiner citations) were used to track knowledge flow. The causal effects of disclosu…

                      • 知的財産権
                      • 産学官連携
                      • 知的財産制度
                      • 知識
                      • 経済学
                      • IIR Working Paper

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                        Analysing Japanese contractor activity on the basis of panel data

                        Konno, Yukiko
                        『Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management』 Vol. 22 No. 4 pp. 390 - 402 (2015/07/01)

                        • 経営学
                        • 経済学
                        • Acquisitions, Productivity, and Profitability: Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry

                          Braguinsky, Serguey : Atsushi Ohyama : Tetsuji Okazaki : Chad Syverson
                          『American Economic Review』 Vol.105 No.7 (2015/07/01)

                          • 経済学
                          • Article


                            Management of science, serendipity, and research performance: Evidence from a survey of scientists in Japan and the U.S.

                            Murayama, Kota: Makoto Nirei: Hiroshi Shimizu
                            『Research Policy』 Vol.44 No.4 pp.862-873 (2015/05/01)

                            In science, research teams are increasing in size, which suggests that science is becoming more organisational. This paper aims to empirically investigate the effects of the division of labour in management and science on serendipity, which has been considered one of the great factors in science. Specifically, in examining the survey o…

                            • イノベーションの経済分析
                            • サイエンス
                            • イノベーションの科学的源泉
                            • Article


                              An empirical analysis of the discontinuance of business for startup contractors and property companies in Japan

                              Konno, Yukiko
                              『Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction』 Vol. 20 No. 1 pp. 50-64 (2015/04/01)

                              • 経営学
                              • Exploring the Secrets of Transnational Startups: Border-crossing Strategies of China’s Wenzhou Entrepreneurs Drawing on Community Capital

                                Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Motoko Tsujita
                                WP#15-05 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/01/30)

                                • 経営学
                                • ネットワーク
                                • IIR Working Paper

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                                  Collaboration and Innovation Speed: Evidence from a Prize Data-Set, 1955-2010

                                  Shimizu, Hiroshi : Yusuke Hoshino
                                  WP#15-04 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2015/01/29)

                                  The anecdotal evidence has indicated that inter-organizational collaboration increases R&D productivity by providing access to outside complimentary assets for firms. Focusing on the length of time from launching R&D project to realizing its R&D outcomes, we call it innovation speed, this paper examines a prize data-set on industrial t…

                                  • 経営学
                                  • IIR Working Paper

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                                    Bank capital shock propagation via syndicated interconnectedness

                                    Nirei, Makoto : Julián Caballero : Vladyslav Sushko
                                    BIS Working Papers No 484 Bank for International Settlements (2015/01/27)

                                    Loan syndication increases bank interconnectedness through co-lending relationships. We study the financial stability implications of such dependency on syndicate partners in the presence of shocks to banks' capital. Model simulations in a network setting show that such shocks can produce rare events in this market when banks have shar…

                                      Working Paper(outside IIR)



                                      Nirei, Makoto
                                      『Theoretical Economics : journal of the Econometric Society』 forthcoming (2014/10/23)

                                      This study demonstrates that the interactions of firm-level indivisible investments give rise to aggregate fluctuations without aggregate exogenous shocks. When investme…

                                      • 経済学
                                      • Vectran:Development of High-Functionality Fiber and its Applications at Kuraray Co., Ltd.

                                        Hori, Keisuke : Yusuke Hoshino : Hiroshi Shimizu
                                        WP#14-06 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2014/10/16)

                                        • 経営学
                                        • IIR Working Paper

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