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Page 4 (61 - 80) of 849 Results

The Business Effects of Standardization for SMEs

Eto, Manabu
『International Journal of Standardization Research 』 Volume17 Issue2 p. 20 (2019/07/01)

Standardization activity is a type of open innovation, specifically an outbound­-revealing open innovation. Through standardization activities, a given technology spread…

  • 経営学
  • 技術政策
  • 標準化
  • 3. Standard Essential Patent War: Samsung vs Apple (in Korean)

    Kang, Byeongwoo, 『4.0 Industry and Standardization: Case Studies』 pp. 43-62

    • 知的財産権
    • 知的財産
    • 知的財産制度
    • 標準化
    • A Book Chapter


      Institutional Resource or Constraint? How Do Political Connections Embrace Technological Entrepreneurship in China?

      2019 Annual Meeting (2019/06/28)

      Conference Paper: submitted by Karube, Masaru

      • 中国
      • 経済学
      • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


        Influence of Photocatalytic Technology Standardization

        24th EURAS (European Academy for Standardisation) Annual Standardisation Conference (2019/06/13)

        Conference Paper: submitted by Eto, Manabu and Yuichi Washida

          Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


          Measuring the Sorting Effect of Migration on Spatial Wage Disparities in Japan

          Nakajima, Kentaro: Ryosuke Okamoto
          『Journal of Applied Regional Science』 Issue 23 pp. 1-23 (2019/06/01)

          This paper measures the effect of sorting on wage disparity. We extract worker skills by estimating the wage equation using Japanese individual data. We show that the skills of workers in metropolitan areas are 9.68% higher than the skills of workers in nonmetropolitan areas. In the counterfactual situation in which there is no migrati…

          • 経済学
          • Agglomeration Economies in Vietnam: A Firm-Level Analysis

            Gokan, Toshitaka: Ikuo Kuroiwa: Kentaro Nakajima
            『 Journal of Asian Economics』 Vol. 62 pp. 52-64 (2019/06/01)

            • 経済学
            • Article


              Profit Expansion Method by Standard as an Outbound Open Innovation

              Eto, Manabu, Jakobs, Kai(編)『Corporate Standardization Management and Innovation』 Chapter 14, pp. 256-275
              IGI Global(2019/04/30)

              Among open innovations, standardization activities that do not cause some souse of profits, such as issuing standard essential patents for standardized technologies, can be said to be offering-type outbound open innovations. Technology providers require a careful strategy to make a profit from standardization activities. The core of th…

              • 標準化
              • A Comparative Study on Industrial Spillover Effects among Korea, China, the USA, Germany and Japan

                Min, Yong-Ki : Sang-Gun Lee : Yaichi Aoshima, 『Industrial Management & Data Systems』 Vol.119, Issue 3, pp. 454-472

                • 経営学
                • 技術経営
                • 知識のスピルオーバー
                • Toshiharu Saito, Oral History (2nd): Development of Platform for Mobile Phone and Hardware for Dreamcast

                  Shigihara, Morihiro:Akito Inoue:Ayako Matsui
                  WP#19-23 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/28)

                  • オーラル・ヒストリー
                  • ゲーム
                  • Toshiharu Saito, Oral History (1st, 2): Digital Communication Technology and Video Game Development

                    Eto, Manabu:Fumihiko Ikuine:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                    WP#19-22 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/28)

                    • オーラル・ヒストリー
                    • ゲーム
                    • Toshiharu Saito, Oral History (1st, 1): Digital Communication Technology and Video Game Development

                      Eto, Manabu:Fumihiko Ikuine:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                      WP#19-21 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/28)

                      • オーラル・ヒストリー
                      • ゲーム
                      • Taro Ohashi, Oral History (3rd, 2): Game Softs and Game Goods Distribution at Dempa Shimbun

                        Shimizu, Hiroshi:Akito Inoue:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                        WP#19-20 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/27)

                        • オーラル・ヒストリー
                        • ゲーム
                        • Taro Ohashi, Oral History (3rd, 1): Game Softs and Game Goods Distribution at Dempa Shimbun

                          Shimizu, Hiroshi:Akito Inoue:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                          WP#19-19 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/27)

                          • オーラル・ヒストリー
                          • ゲーム
                          • Toyofumi Takahashi, Oral History (2nd, 2): Game Development at Nintendo

                            Inoue, Akito:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                            WP#19-18 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/25)

                            • オーラル・ヒストリー
                            • ゲーム
                            • Toyofumi Takahashi, Oral History (2nd, 1): Game Development at Nintendo

                              Inoue, Akito:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                              WP#19-17 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/25)

                              • オーラル・ヒストリー
                              • ゲーム
                              • Toyofumi Takahashi, Oral History (1st, 2): Personal Background and Game Development at Richo

                                Inoue, Akito:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                                WP#19-16 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/25)

                                • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                • ゲーム
                                • Toyofumi Takahashi, Oral History (1st, 1): Personal Background and Game Development at Richo

                                  Inoue, Akito:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                                  WP#19-15 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/25)

                                  • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                  • ゲーム
                                  • Taro Ohashi, Oral History (2nd, 2): Launching Microcomputer Magazines

                                    Fukuda, Kazufumi:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                                    WP#19-14 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/19)

                                    • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                    • ゲーム
                                    • Taro Ohashi, Oral History (2nd, 1): Launching Microcomputer Magazines

                                      Fukuda, Kazufumi:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                                      WP#19-13 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/19)

                                      • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                      • ゲーム
                                      • Taro Ohashi, Oral History (1st, 2): Personal Background and Early Days at Dempa Publications Inc

                                        Kimura, Megumi:Akito Inoue:Kazufumi Fukuda:Morihiro Shigihara:Ayako Matsui
                                        WP#19-12 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/02/15)

                                        • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                        • ゲーム