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Page 3 (41 - 60) of 849 Results

Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (1st, 2): Oral History on Game Development at Sega and Game Industry at the Early Stage

Shigihara, Morihiro : Donghoon Kim : Hiroshi Shimizu
WP#20-04 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/02/03)

  • オーラル・ヒストリー
  • ゲーム
  • Masaharu Yoshii, Oral History (1st, 1): Oral History on Game Development at Sega and Game Industry at the Early Stage

    Shigihara, Morihiro : Donghoon Kim : Hiroshi Shimizu
    WP#20-03 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/02/03)

    • オーラル・ヒストリー
    • ゲーム
    • Individual-level Determinants of Academic Patent Licensing to Start-ups: Impacts of Principal Investigators’ Embeddedness in the Industry

      Modic, Dolores : Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, in Novotny, Adam : Einar Rasmussen : Tommy H. Clause : Johan Wiklund(編)『Research Handbook on Start-Up Incubation Ecosystems』 pp. 349-365
      Edward Elgar Publishing(2020/02/01)

      • イノベーション政策
      • 産学連携
      • A Book Chapter


        Effects of early patent publication on knowledge dissemination: Evidence from U.S. patent law reform

        Okada, Yoshimi :Sadao Nagaoka
        『Information Economics and Policy』 (2020/01/25)

        In order to assess effects of early publication of patent applications on the dissemination of the disclosed technological knowledge, this study examines the impacts of the 18-month pre-grant publication system introduced in the United States in 2000. It focuses on the variations of the applicant non-self-citations driven by the actual…

        • 知的財産権
        • 知的財産制度
        • 知識
        • 知識のスピルオーバー
        • Toshiyuki Ishiyama, Oral History (1st, 2): Game Business at ASCII and Early Stage MMO Game Development and Operation

          Inoue, Akito : Ikuine, fumihiko : Kim, Donghoon : Shigihara, Morihiro : Fukuda, Kazufumi : Matsui, Ayako : Shimizu, Hiroshi
          WP#20-02 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/01/22)

          • オーラル・ヒストリー
          • ゲーム
          • Toshiyuki Ishiyama, Oral History (1st, 1): Game Business at ASCII and Early Stage MMO Game Development and Operation

            Inoue, Akito : Ikuine, fumihiko : Kim, Donghoon : Shigihara, Morihiro : Fukuda, Kazufumi : Matsui, Ayako : Shimizu, Hiroshi
            WP#20-01 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2020/01/22)

            • オーラル・ヒストリー
            • ゲーム
            • Product Innovation, Product Diversification and Firm Growth: Evidence from Japan's Early Industrialization

              Braguinsy, Serguy : Atsushi Ohyama : Tetsuji Okazaki : Chad Syverson
              No. 26665 NBER Working Paper (2020/01/01)

              • イノベーションの経済分析
              • 科研費プロジェクト
              • 経済学
              • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                Kazumi Takai, Oral History : Oral History on Arcade Game Operation and Rental Business

                Shigihara, Morihiro : Fumihiko Ikuine : Kazufumi Fukuda : Hiroshi Shimizu
                WP#19-32 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/12/20)

                • オーラル・ヒストリー
                • ゲーム
                • Eiji Kure, Oral History (1st, 2): History of Game Development at Kure Software Koubou

                  Ikuine, fumihiko:Donghoon Kim: Morihiro Shigihara:, Ayako Matsui:Hiroshi Shimizu
                  WP#19-30 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/12/10)

                  • オーラル・ヒストリー
                  • ゲーム
                  • Eiji Kure, Oral History (1st, 1): History of Game Development at Kure Software Koubou

                    Ikuine, fumihiko:Donghoon Kim: Morihiro Shigihara:, Ayako Matsui:Hiroshi Shimizu
                    WP#19-29 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/12/10)

                    • オーラル・ヒストリー
                    • ゲーム
                    • An Analysis of the Trilemma Phenomenon for Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy

                      Yun, Bo-Seong: Sang-Gun Lee: Yaichi Aoshima, 『Service Business』 Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 779-814

                      Starting from industry 4.0 in Germany and followed by the New Strategy for American Innovation in the USA and the smartization strategy in Japan, developed countries are…

                      • 経営学
                      • 技術経営
                      • 戦略論
                      • Inertia of Society:When Schumpeter met Weber in the Cyberspace of the Network Enterprise

                        Kimura, Megumi
                        WP#19-31 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/11/27)

                        • クリエイティブ産業
                        • IIR Working Paper


                          Effects of Regulations on Cross-border Data Flows: Evidence from a Survey of Japanese Firms

                          Tomiura, Eiichi : Banri Ito : Byeongwoo Kang
                          19-E-088 RIETI Discussion Paper Series (2019/10/25)

                          • 規制
                          • デジタル・エコノミー
                          • Nishimura Yoshio, Oral History: The Development of Game Industry in the context of Electronics Industry: Perspectives from Journalism

                            Ikuine, fumihiko : Kim, Donghoon : Shigihara, Morihiro : Fukuda, Kazufumi : Shimizu, Hiroshi
                            WP#19-26 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/10/23)

                              Optimal Uniform Capital Taxation in a Partially Automated Society

                              Koizumi, Hideto
                              『SSRN』 (2019/10/22)

                              • 経済学
                              • Institutional Factors for Academic Entrepreneurship in Publicly Owned Universities in Japan: Transition from a Conservative Anti-industry University Collaboration Culture to a Leading Entrepreneurial University

                                Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru
                                『Science, Technology and Society』 Vol. 24 No. 3 pp. 423-445 (2019/10/01)

                                • 社会学
                                • アントレプレナー
                                • 産学連携
                                • Article


                                  The Dilemma of Design Innovation: Analysis of Mobile Phone’s Design Patent

                                  Akiike, Atsushi: Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi: Sotaro Katsumata
                                  『Annals of Business Administrative Science』 Vol. 18 No. 6 pp. 209-222 (2019/10/01)

                                  • 技術経営
                                  • デザイン
                                  • Article


                                    Hiromichi Nakamoto, Oral History (1st, 2): History of Game Development by Data East Corporation

                                    Shigihara, Morihiro : Ikuine, Fumihiko : Kim, Donghoon : Fukuda, Kazufumi : Matsui, Ayako : Shimizu, Hiroshi
                                    WP#19-25 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/09/30)

                                    • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                    • ゲーム
                                    • Hiromichi Nakamoto, Oral History (1st, 1): History of Game Development by Data East Corporation

                                      Shigihara, Morihiro :Ikuine, Fumihiko : Kim, Donghoon : Fukuda, Kazufumi : Matsui, Ayako : Shimizu, Hiroshi
                                      WP#19-24 (in Japanese) Hitotsubashi University IIR (2019/09/30)

                                      • オーラル・ヒストリー
                                      • ゲーム
                                      • イノベーションの長期メカニズム:逆浸透膜の技術開発史



                                        • 経営学
                                        • 技術経営
                                        • 技術史
                                        • Magicc
                                        • 大河内賞
                                        • 日本企業
                                        • イノベーション政策
                                        • 不確実性