

著作分類 IIRワーキングペーパー
著者 Aoki, Shuhei: Megumi Kimura
論文タイトル Allocation of Research Resources and Publication Productivity in Japan: A Growth Accounting Approach
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー WP#13-24
公開日 2014/03/10
要旨 In Japan, as in many developed countries, the government's agencies for science have implemented several reforms to the scienti c research system, which has concentrated research resources in the top research universities. However, the growth of research papers has stagnated in Japan during the 2000s. To analyze the reason for this, this paper develops a framework that decomposes the changes in research output. The framework is based on a model of universities and is an application of growth accounting that is widely used in economics. Using the framework, we nd that the change in the allocation of research funds between universities had only a small effect on research output. The stagnation in research output during the 2000s was mainly accounted for by the decrease in research time. We also conduct a counterfactual experiment to examine how the research output would increase if the misallocation of research resources were completely removed.
ラベル 経済学, サイエンス, 政策のための科学
登録日 2014/03/10