

著作分類 IIRワーキングペーパー
著者 Kimura, Megumi
論文タイトル Life of Designs: The Perfection of Co-Adaptation
機関名 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター
ナンバー WP#20-19
公開日 2020/12/25
要旨 Using open sources published in the past, and tracing learning histories of the world, this paper discovered “the third causes” of learnings. Actions and works of scientists have presented us evidences of existence of the cause, which cannot be explained with the two causes, creation (first) and intelligence(second). As a result of very few people’s works for the benefit of others over the past centuries, the "perfection of structure and coadaptation” (Darwin 1859) has finally emerged, suggesting us to modify knowledge caused by the mistakes of adaptation of Darwin’s words in economic and social literatures. If we could differentiate images of seven motions collected, organized and combined in our mind, innovation would be described like a moving image, or relations between our line of sight and light, not like records of memories of authors. If we manage to use scientific ideas properly, we will be able to measure values of people’s works like music and its duration, or rhythm and meter and pitch (as Descartes proposed). As a result of divisions, the world finally found the way to solve “distemper of learnings,” and “violation of the law of nature,” destructing social and economic power of illusions, or images produced for markets and theatres.
備考 2021年9月1日にタイトルを変更。旧タイトル: "An Inquiry into the Wealth of Publics: With an attempt to introduce the experimental method for innovation"
ラベル クリエイティブ産業
登録日 2020/11/02