
検索結果: 85件 1ページ目(1〜20)

Revisiting incremental product innovations in the food manufacturing industry: An empirical study on the effect of intellectual property rights

Yoshioka-Kobayashi, Tohru: Tomofumi Miyanoshita: Daisuke Kanama
『Journal of Economic Structures』 (2020/04/20)

The highly competitive and mature food industry has long been process innovation-oriented while largely neglecting product/technological innovation. However, recent innovation debates have raised two issues. First, imitations of product innovations likely underestimate the value of innovation in this industry; second, exaggerations of …

  • 知的財産権
  • イノベーションの経済分析
  • 科研費プロジェクト
  • Profiting from (not too many) package designs: evidence from a firm level design registration analysis in the food manufacturing industry

    Miyanoshita, Tomofumi: Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi: Daisuke Kanama
    『British Food Journal』 Vol. 122 No. 7 pp. 2233-2251 (2020/04/01)

    • 知的財産権
    • デザイン
    • 科研費プロジェクト
    • 論文


      Effects of early patent publication on knowledge dissemination: Evidence from U.S. patent law reform

      Okada, Yoshimi :Sadao Nagaoka
      『Information Economics and Policy』 (2020/01/25)

      In order to assess effects of early publication of patent applications on the dissemination of the disclosed technological knowledge, this study examines the impacts of the 18-month pre-grant publication system introduced in the United States in 2000. It focuses on the variations of the applicant non-self-citations driven by the actual…

      • 知的財産権
      • 知的財産制度
      • 知識
      • 知識のスピルオーバー
      • 3. Standard Essential Patent War: Samsung vs Apple (in Korean)

        Kang, Byeongwoo, 『4.0 Industry and Standardization: Case Studies』 pp. 43-62

        • 知的財産権
        • 知的財産
        • 知的財産制度
        • 標準化
        • 本の一章執筆


          International protection of standard essential patents

          Dang, Jianwei: Byeongwoo Kang: Ke Ding
          『Technological Forecasting and Social Change』 Vol. 139 pp. 75-86 (2019/02/01)

          Technical standards in the mobile communications industry have been developed from national to regional and from regional to global. In the current era, global standards in the industry have enabled the formation of a single global market. However, because standard essential patents (SEPs) are territorial given the nature of the patent…

          • 知的財産権
          • 標準化
          • 教則 標準化とビジネス

            国立大学法人山口大学(監修) 355頁(2018/08/01)

            • 技術経営
            • 知的財産権
            • 標準化
            • イノベーション政策
            • 著書


              Making the patent scope consistent with the invention: Evidence from Japan

              Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
              『Journal of Economics & Management Strategy』 Vol. 27 Issue 3 pp. 607-625 (2018/07/31)

              It is a crucial function of patent examination to make the patent scope consistent with the contribution of the invention to the state of the art. We assess this function using newly developed data on the scope of Japanese patent applications and grants. We find that the scope was narrowed in two thirds of the grants, both the incidenc…

              • 知的財産権
              • 知的財産制度
              • How Does Innovation Occur in India? Evidence from the JIRICO Survey

                The International Schumpeter Society (2018/07/04)

                Young Scholars Award 2018: This paper reports the results of the JIRICO survey to shed light on the drivers and obstacles to innovation in India, and how the intellectual property rights system, particularly patents, play a role in the larger innovation ecosystem of the country. Findings are on three issues: (1) Motivation of Innovati…

                • 知的財産権
                • イノベーションの計測
                • イノベーション・プロセス
                • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


                  How does innovation occur in India? Evidence from the JIRICO survey

                  Bharadwaj, Ashish : Byeongwoo Kang
                  WP#18-05 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2018/01/30)

                  Based on the first innovation survey of 1139 firms in India, this paper provides innovation activities in India. Findings in this paper will provide insights to other emerging countries that pursue endogenous innovation.

                  • 知的財産権
                  • イノベーションの計測
                  • イノベーション・プロセス
                  • IIRワーキングペーパー




                    Global Spread of Pharmaceutical Patent Protection: Micro Evidence from the International Equivalents of Drug

                    Okada, Yoshimi : Sadao Nagaoka
                    『Patents in Japan, Millennial Asia』 Vol.8 No.1 pp. 26-47 (2017/04/11)

                    • 知的財産権
                    • 論文


                      Impact of Patent Scope on subsequent Inventions: Findings from a new Measure

                      Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
                      WP#17-03 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2017/02/20)

                      While patent scope defined by patent claims provides crucial information on the contribution of underlying inventions to the state of the art, its existing measures do n…

                      • 知的財産権
                      • IIRワーキングペーパー

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                        Contribution of Patent Examination to Making the Patent Scope Consistent with the Invention: Evidence from Japan

                        Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
                        RIETI Discussion Paper 16-E-092 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) (2016/11/29)

                        Delineating the patent scope consistently with the contribution of the disclosed invention is one of the most crucial requirements for a patent system to promote innovation effectively. Given the incentive of an applicant to set a scope for the patent as broad as possible, an important task of the Patent Office is to narrow it so that …

                        • 知的財産権
                        • 知的財産制度
                        • Landscape of Standard Essential Patents: Case of East Asian Firms

                          The 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (2016/11/18)

                          Conference Paper: submitted by Dang, Jianwei, Byeongwoo Kang and Ke Ding

                          • 技術経営
                          • 知的財産権
                          • 標準化
                          • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


                            第四章 特許と標準化

                            江藤 学, 『標準化教本 : 世界をつなげる標準化の知識 』 91-121頁
                            一般財団法人 日本規格協会(2016/07/29)

                            • 経営学
                            • 技術政策
                            • 知的財産権
                            • 標準化
                            • 本の一章執筆


                              第二章 標準化とビジネス

                              江藤 学 , 『標準化教本 : 世界をつなげる標準化の知識』 37-58頁
                              一般財団法人 日本規格協会(2016/07/29)

                              • 経営学
                              • 技術政策
                              • 知的財産権
                              • 標準化
                              • 本の一章執筆


                                第一章 標準化の基礎知識

                                江藤 学, 『標準化教本 : 世界をつなげる標準化の知識 』 9-36頁
                                一般財団法人 日本規格協会(2016/07/29)

                                • 経営学
                                • 技術政策
                                • 知的財産権
                                • 標準化
                                • 本の一章執筆



                                  一般財団法人 日本規格協会、313頁(2016/07/29)

                                  • 経営学
                                  • 技術政策
                                  • 知的財産権
                                  • 標準化
                                  • 編著


                                    Global spread of pharmaceutical patent protections: micro evidence from the international equivalents of the drug patents in Japan

                                    Okada, Yoshimi : Sadao Nagaoka
                                    WP#16-07 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2016/07/13)

                                    We investigate the global spread of pharmaceutical patent protections as acquired by firms, based on a novel global patent database for all significant medical drugs introduced in Japan. It gives us the propensity of filing and grant rate for each country for the granted patents in Japan. Major findings are the following. Both the fili…

                                    • 知的財産権
                                    • 政策のための科学
                                    • 知的財産制度
                                    • イノベーションの科学的源泉
                                    • 創薬
                                    • IIRワーキングペーパー

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                                      Claim Length as a Value Predictor of a Patent

                                      Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
                                      WP#16-04 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2016/04/07)

                                      The claim of a patent defines the scope of patent right and provides crucial information on patent value. However, most empirical research uses only the number of claims as an indicator of patent value. We show that the breadth of a claim of Japanese patents, measured by the inverse of claim length, has significant explanatory power fo…

                                      • 知的財産権
                                      • IIRワーキングペーパー

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