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Page 16 (301 - 320) of 849 Results

Science-Based Business: Knowledge Capital or Entrepreneurial Ability? Theory and Evidence from a Survey of Biotechnology Start-ups

Braguinsky, Serguey:Yuji Honjo:Sadao Nagaoka:Kenta Nakamura
WP#10-05 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/09/01)

We present a model of science-based entrepreneurship where ideas initially produced by researchers with high-level knowledge capital may be developed by high-ability entrepreneurs. With moderate investment costs, startups continuously managed by inventors-founders coexist in equilibrium with startups that experience entrepreneurial tu…

  • 社会学
  • 産学官連携
  • IIR Working Paper



    Pitfalls of Open Innovation: Technological Trajectory in Laser Diodes in the United States and Japan

    Shimizu, Hiroshi
    『Business and Economic History On-Line』 Vol.8 (2010/09/01)

    • 技術経営
    • Article


      Intra-organizational Networks and Information Flows within an Organization

      Numagami, Tsuyoshi: Masaru Karube: Toshihiko Kato: Masato Sasaki: Hiroshi Watanabe: Yoshiki Murakami
      Paper accepted for presentation at the 30th Strategic Management Society Conference, September 12-15, Rome, Italy (2010/09)

      • 組織論
      • Working Paper(outside IIR)


        Book Review: Choose and Focus: Japanese Business Strategies for the 21st Century by Ulrike Schaede

        Shimizu, Hiroshi
        『the Journal of Asian Studies』 Vol.69 No.3 pp.916-918 (2010/09)

        • 経営学
        • Article


          Technology that Produces Sustainable Competitiveness: A Comparison of Innovative Technologies and Accumulated-knowledge Technologies

          Nobeoka, Kentaro
          WP#10-04 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/08/18)

          Approaches that serve as a source of technology that produces sustainable competitiveness can be classified into two types: the acquisition of patents based on innovative technology (innovative technologies), and accumulation of knowledge over many years in specific technical fields (accumulated-knowledge technologies). This paper comp…

          • 技術経営
          • IIR Working Paper

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            Vertical Strategic Information Flow and Market Orientation

            Numagami, Tsuyoshi:Masaru Karube:Toshihiko Kato:Yuko Yamashita:Wataru Uehara:Masato Sasaki:Gen Fukutomi:Hiroyuki Fukuchi:Hiroshi Watanabe:Yoshinori Murakami
            to be presented at the 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, August 6-10, Montreal, Canada (2010/08)

            • 経営学
            • Working Paper(outside IIR)



              PICMET 2010 (2010/07/18)

              Conference Paper: submitted by Eto, Manabu

              • 経営学
              • 標準化
              • Study/Lecture Record/Oral History/Conference Paper


                Functions and Dysfunctions of Lateral and Diagonal Networks in Advancing Market Orientation: A Preliminary Step toward Bridging the Gap between Market Orientation Research and Intra-organizational Network Research

                Numagami, T.:M. Karube:T. Kato:Y. Yamashita:W. Uehara:M. Sasaki:G. Fukutomi:H. Fukuchi:H. Watanabe:Y. Murakami
                Paper accepted for presentation at the 2010 European Group for Organizational Studies, July 1-3 at the Faculdade de Economia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal (2010/07)

                • 技術経営
                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                  Capabilities of Technology Utilization and Technology Integration: Impact of 3D Technologies on Product Development Process and Performance in Japan and China

                  Takeda, Yoko:Yaichi Aoshima:Kentaro Nobeoka
                  WP#10-02 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/06/17)

                  Multi-functional technologies widely influence on organization and often require organizational technology integration capabilities to achieve the total effectiveness. Technology integration capability here implies not only utilizing technologies in the present setting of organizational environment but also reforming organizational pro…

                  • 技術経営
                  • IIR Working Paper

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                    Lifecycle, Organizations, and Development Procedures

                    Eto,Manabu , Choi,Donggeun:Byung-Goo Kang(編)『Standardization: Fundamentals, Impact, and Business Strategy』 pp.37-55

                    • 標準化
                    • Definitions and Functions

                      Eto,Manabu  , Choi,Donggeun:Byung-Goo Kang(編)『Standardization: Fundamentals, Impact, and Business Strategy』 pp.3-36

                      • 標準化
                      • Dynamism Inside the MO Box: The Credibility of Marketing Information as a Key Factor in Market Orientation

                        Yamashita, Y.:W. Uehara:M. Sasaki:G. Fukutomi:H. Fukuchi:T. Numagami:T. Kato:M. Karube
                        Paper accepted for presentation at the 2010 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, May 26-29 at the Marriott Downtown Waterfront Hotel in Portland, Oregon, USA (2010/05)

                        • 技術経営
                        • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                          Adaptive Efficiency of Japan’s National Innovation System toward a Service Oriented Economy.

                          Watanabe, C., Akaike, S. and Shin, J.
                          『Journal of Services Research』 Vol. 10 No. 1 pp. 7-50 (2010/04)

                          • 技術経営
                          • Article


                            Value Creation and Value Capture at Manufacturing Firms: Importance of Non-functional Value

                            Nobeoka, Kentaro
                            WP#10-01 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2010/04)

                            Most large Japanese manufacturers are good at creating value utilizing their engineering capabilities but poor at capturing value in terms of creating profit and added value. This paper discusses conditions to capture value, after explaining a distinction between value creation and value capture. In order to capture value, manufacturer…

                            • 技術経営
                            • IIR Working Paper

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                              An Exploratory Study of New Models of Defense Procurement (3): From a Standpoint of Management Accounting

                              Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                              Defense Procurement Structure Improvement Foundation, (Research Project Leader: Toshihiro Nishiguchi, in Japanese) (2010/03/01)

                              • 技術政策
                              • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                Does Information Technology Induce the De-skilling of Contingent Workers?: Experiences in the Japanese Electrical and Electronic Industry

                                Chuma, Hiroyuki:Daiji Kawaguchi
                                Bank of Japan Working Paper Series No. 10-E-3 ( (2010/03)

                                • 技術経営
                                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                  Entrepreneurship in Pre-world War II Japan: The Role and Logic of the Zaibatsu

                                  Yonekura, Seiichiro:Hiroshi Shimizu, Landes, David S.:Joel Mokyr:William J. Baumol(編)『The Invention of Enterprise: Entrepreneurship from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Times』 pp. 501-526
                                  Princeton University Press(2010/03)

                                  • 経済学
                                  • A Book Chapter


                                    Redefining Innovation as System Re-definition

                                    Kusunoki, Ken : Yaichi Aoshima, Itami, Hiroyuki:Ken Kusunoki:Tsuyoshi Numagami:Akira Takeishi(編)『Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation』

                                    • 技術経営
                                    • A Book Chapter


                                      Scientific and Technological Breakthroughs and Networks in the Case of Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan, 1960-2000

                                      Shimizu, Hiroshi
                                      #114 Hitotsubashi University Center for Japanese Business Studies (2010/01)

                                      • 技術史
                                      • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                        M&As and Corporate Performance in Japan: Transferring vs. Sharing of Control Right

                                        Nagaoka, Sadao, Itami, Hiroyuki:Ken Kusunoki:Tsuyoshi Numagami:Akira Takeishi(編)『Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation』 Chpater 10, pp. 247-265
                                        Springer-Verlag Berlin and Heidelberg(2010/01)

                                        • 組織論
                                        • A Book Chapter
