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Page 17 (321 - 340) of 849 Results

Patent Statistics as an Innovation Indicator

Nagaoka, Sadao:Kazuyuki Motohashi:Akira Goto, Hall, Bronwyn H.:Nathan Rosenberg(編)『Handbook of the Economics of Innovation』 Vol. 2, pp. 1083-1127

  • 技術史
  • A Book Chapter


    Moore's Law, Increasing Complexity and the Limits of Organization: The Modern Significance of Japanese Chipmakers' Commodity DRAM Business

    Chuma, Hiroyuki:Norikazu Hashimoto, Itami, H., K. Kusunoki, T. Numagami, and A. Takeishi(編)『Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate Systems, and Innovation』 pp. 209-245

    • 技術経営
    • A Book Chapter


      Organizational Deadweight and the Internal Functioning of Japanese Firms: An Explorative Analysis of Organizational Dysfunction

      Kato, Toshihiko:Masaru Karube:Tsuyoshi Numagami, Itami, Hiroyuki:Ken Kusunoki:Tsuyoshi Numagami:Akira Takeishi(編)『Dynamics of Knowledge, Corporate System and Innovation』 pp. 125-164

      • 組織論
      • A Book Chapter




        The Nature of Inventive Activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards

        Fontana, Roberto:Alessandro Nuvolari:Hiroshi Shimizu:Andrea Vezzulli
        WP#09-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2009/12/08)

        This paper presents an exploratory study on the characteristics of inventive activities as captured on the basis of the analysis of a data-set of R&D awards. Our data so…

        • 技術経営
        • IIR Working Paper

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          Inter-Organizational Collaboration in Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan: University-Industry Relation

          Shimizu, Hiroshi:Takashi Hirao
          『International Journal of Global Business and Competitiveness』 Vol.4 No.1 pp.15-21 (2009/12)

          • 組織論
          • Article


            Stochastic Herding by Institutional Investment Managers

            Nirei, Makoto : Vladyslav Sushko
            University of California, Santa Cruz (2009/11)

            • 経済学
            • Working Paper(outside IIR)


              Hybrid Management of Technology toward a Service-oriented Economy: Co-evolutionary Domestication by Fusing East and West.

              Watanabe, C., Akaike, S. and Shin, J.
              『Journal of Services Research』 Vol. 9 No. 2 pp. 7-50 (2009/10)

              • 技術経営
              • Article


                The Innovation Process Survey in the Science-based Industries: The Report of the Questionnaire Survey for the Physical Society of Japan

                Chuma, Hiroyuki:Akio Kondo
                NISTEP Report No. 172 (in Japanese, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (2009/10)

                • 技術経営
                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                  Reconsideration of the Cause and Effect of the Weakening Japanese DRAM Business: From the Overlooked View Point of System Packaging Technologies

                  Chuma, Hiroyuki:Ichiro Anjo:Norikazu Hashimoto
                  『Nikkei Microdevices』 pp. 69-76 (in Japanese) (2009/10)

                  • 技術経営
                  • Article


                    Blind Pursuit of Strategic Goals: An Examination of Middle Managers' Strategic Orientations in Japanese Firms

                    Karube,Masaru:Toshihiko Kato
                    『Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce and Management』 Vol. 43 No. 1 pp. 27-45 (2009/10)

                    • 戦略論
                    • Article


                      An Opus Called Asuka Matsumoto: Her Pilgrimage as an Artist in the Light of Network Theory

                      Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                      『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 57 No. 2 pp. 6-23 (in Japanese) (2009/09/01)

                      • ネットワーク
                      • Article


                        The Poor Can Prosper: The Strength of Qingtian Merchants' Overseas Networks

                        Tsujita, Motoko: Toshihiro Nishiguchi
                        『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 57 No. 2 pp. 36-51 (in Japanese) (2009/09/01)

                        • ネットワーク
                        • Article


                          Network Thinking and Practice (1)-(10)

                          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                          『Communication Seed』 / Keidanren Jigyo Service, September 2009 - July 2010 (in Japanese) (2009/09/01)

                          • ネットワーク
                          • Article


                            Business Case / JSR: The Challenge to the Increasing Complexity in Technology and Market

                            Chuma, Hiroyuki
                            『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 57 No. 2 pp. 108-124 (in Japanese) (2009/09)

                            • 技術経営
                            • Article


                              Networking and Scientific Breakthrough in Semiconductor Laser Technology in the U.S. and Japan

                              Shimizu, Hiroshi:Takashi Hirao
                              Paper accepted for a presentation at the 4th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, The University of Antwerp, Belgium, 10-11 September 2009 (2009/09)

                              • 技術経営
                              • Article


                                Why Can't Elephants Dance? A New Perspective on Organizational Deterioration in Large Established Firms

                                Karube, Masaru:Toshihiko Kato:Tsuyoshi Numagami
                                Abstract accepted for a full paper presentation at the 24th Cardiff Employment Research Unit (ERU) Annual Conference, September 3-4, 2009, Cardiff, UK (2009/09)

                                • 組織論
                                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                  Real Rigidities: Evidence from an Online Marketplace

                                  Mizuno, Takayuki:Makoto Nirei:Tsutomu Watanabe
                                  Research Center for Price Dynamics Working Paper No. 44 ( Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University (2009/08/21)

                                  • 経済学
                                  • Working Paper(outside IIR)

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                                    An Introduction to Network Thinking: Organizational Strategies in the Netcentric Age

                                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                    Toyo Keizai,217 pages (in Japanese)(2009/08/01)

                                    • ネットワーク
                                    • Book


                                      Exploring Organisational Deterioration: 'Organisational Deadweight' as a Cause of Malfunction of Strategic Initiatives in Japanese Firms

                                      Karube, Masaru:Tsuyoshi Numagami:Toshihiko Kato
                                      『Long Range Planning』 Vol. 42 No. 4 pp. 518-544 (2009/08)

                                      • 組織論
                                      • Article
