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Page 21 (401 - 420) of 849 Results

Innovation Survey on Science-based Industry II: Research Report of the Questionnaire Survey at the Electronics Society of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers

Chuma, Hiroyuki
NISTEP Report No. 146 (in Japanese, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (NISTEP) (2007/09)

  • 技術経営
  • Working Paper(outside IIR)


    On the impact of digital music distribution

    Yoon, Kiho
    WP#07-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2007/09)

    • 技術経営
    • IIR Working Paper



      Supply of Next-generation Air Transport for Japan Air Self-defense Force: No Bids, So the Negotiated Contract

      Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
      『Asahi Shimbun』 , (morning edition, A Comment, p. 23, in Japanese) (2007/08/18)

      • ネットワーク
      • Article


        Competition, Knowledge Spillover, and Technological Change: Technological Development of Semiconductor Lasers 1960-1990

        Shimizu, Hiroshi
        Ph.D. Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science(2007/07)

        • 技術史
        • Book


          ‘Speediness’ Makes You Win Mega-competition

          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
          『Nihon Keizai Shimbun』 (morning edition, Panel Comments, p. 18, in Japanese) (2007/06/18)

          • 組織論
          • Article


            An Invitation to Network Thinking (5): Social Network

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
            『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 vol. 55 No. 1 pp. 82-94 (in Japanese) (2007/06)

            • ネットワーク
            • Article


              Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2002

              Nagaoka, Sadao : Akira Takeishi : Yoshihisa Noro
              NBER Working Paper No. 13063 ; TCER Tokyo Center for Economic Research (2007/04)

                Working Paper(outside IIR)


                Strategic Industrial Sourcing: The Japanese Advantage

                Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                Shanghai University of Finance and Economics Press, 443 pages(2007/04)

                • 経営学
                • Book


                  Why Did Japanese Chipmakers Fail in their DRAM Business?: Verification of Root Causes (2)

                  Chuma, Hiroyuki:Norikazu Hashimoto
                  『Nikkei Microdevices』 pp. 43-50 (in Japanese) (2007/04)

                  • 技術経営
                  • Article


                    Determinants of Firm Boundaries: Empirical Analysis of the Japanese Auto Industry from 1984 to 2002

                    Nagaoka, Sadao:Akira Takeishi:Yoshihisa Noro
                    NBER Working Paper No. 13063 ( ) (2007/04)

                    We have assessed the determinants of the choice of integration, relational contracting (keiretsu sourcing) and market sourcing by seven Japanese automobile manufacturers (OEMs) with respect to 54 components in light of contract economics. Our major findings are the following. First, the specificity and interdependency of a component si…

                    • 経営学
                    • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                      Fujifilm: A Second Foundation

                      Gavetti, Giovanni : Yaichi Aoshima :Mary P. Tripsas
                      『Harvard Business School』 Harvard Business School Cases #807137 (2007/03/07)



                        An Invitation to Network Thinking (4): Social Capital

                        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                        『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 vol. 54 No. 4 pp. 118-131 (in Japanese) (2007/03)

                        • ネットワーク
                        • Article


                          Why Did Japanese Chipmakers Fail in their DRAM Business?: Verification of Root Causes (1)

                          Chuma, Hiroyuki:Norikazu Hashimoto
                          『Nikkei Microdevices』 pp. 41-47 (in Japanese) (2007/03)

                          • 技術経営
                          • Article


                            Search for the Factors of Weakening Competitiveness in Japanese Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems: From the View Point of Papert's Principle

                            Chuma, Hiroyuki
                            『Cognitive Science』 (Journal of Japanese Cognitive Science Society), Vol. 14 No. 1 pp. 39-59 (in Japanese) (2007/03)

                            • 技術経営
                            • Article


                              Complexity and Limits of Organization Induced by Moore's Law: Modern Significance of Up-and-Down in DRAM Business

                              Chuma, Hiroyuki:Norikazu Hashimoto
                              『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 54 No. 4 pp. 22-45 (in Japanese) (2007/03)

                              • 技術経営
                              • Article


                                Special Issue: New Era for Science Innovation

                                Chuma, Hiroyuki
                                『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 54 No. 4 pp. 4-5 (in Japanese) (2007/03)

                                • 技術経営
                                • Article


                                  Moore's Law, Increasing Complexity and Limits of Organization: Modern Significance of Japanese DRAM ERA

                                  Chuma, Hiroyuki:Norikazu Hashimoto
                                  NISTEP Discussion Paper No. 44 National Institute of Science and Technology Policy (2007/03)

                                  • 技術経営
                                  • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                    Information Sharing in Joint Research and Development

                                    Chuma, Hiroyuki:Fujimura, S.:Kawagoe, T.:Matsubae, T.:Okuno-Fujiwara, M.:Takizawa, H.:Watanabe, Y.:I. Yokoyama
                                    RIETI Discussion Paper 07-E-019 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (2007/03)

                                    • 技術経営
                                    • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                      Disentangling the World: Connect―An Inter-organizational Perspective

                                      Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                      『HQ (Hitotsubashi Quarterly)』 2007 Winter pp. 28-29 (in Japanese) (2007/01/01)

                                      • 組織論
                                      • Article


                                        Global Neighborhoods: Strategies of Successful Organizational Networks

                                        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                        NTT Shuppan, 486 Pages (in Japanese / Reviewed and highly praised by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, February 25, 2007, p. 23; The Asahi Shimbun, March 25, 2007, p. 14; The Yomiuri Shimbun, March 25, 2007, p. 17; The Weekly Diamond, March 17, 2007; p. 99; The Komei Shimbun, June 25, 2007, p. 4; Wasedagakuho (Waseda University), August 2007, p. 43: Organizational Science (The Academic Association for Organizational Science), Vol. 41, No. 3, 2008, pp. 68-69)(2007/01)

                                        • ネットワーク
                                        • Book
