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Page 24 (461 - 480) of 849 Results

How Do the Speed, Science Linkage, Focus and New Entry Matter in IT Inventions?

Nagaoka, Sadao, Peeters, Carine:Bruno Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie(編)『Economic and Management Perspectives on Intellectual Property Rights』 pp. 171-198

  • 知的財産権
  • A Book Chapter


    Determinants of the Introduction of Stock Options by Japanese Firms: Analysis from Incentive and Selection Perspectives

    Nagaoka, Sadao
    『Journal of Business』 Vol. 78 No. 6 pp. 2289-2315 (2005/11)

    • 経済学
    • Article


      IIR Working Paper



      Diffusion of 3D-CAD and Its Impact on Product Development Processes: A comparison Between Japanese and Chinese Companies

      Aoshima,Yaichi:Yoko Takeda:Kentaro Nobeoka:Shiguo Li
      WP#05-23 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2005/10/14)

      • 技術経営
      • IIR Working Paper


        Technological Change and Rewiring Firm Networks: The Case of the Mobile Internet in Japan

        Funk, Jeffrey:Toshihiro Nishiguchi
        Presented at the 2005 Strategic Management Society (SMS) Annual International Conference, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. (2005/10)

        • 技術経営
        • Working Paper(outside IIR)


          Reorientation in Product Development for Multi-project Management: The Toyota Case

          Nobeoka, Kentaro, Herstatt, Cornelius:Christoph Stockstrom:Hugo Tschirky:Akio Nagahira(編)『Management of Technology and Innovation in Japan』 pp. 207-234
          Springer Verlag(2005/10)

          • 技術経営
          • A Book Chapter


            It's a Small World After All: Network Theory, Japanese Business, and Industrial Networks

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Jonathan Brookfield
            Presented at the 65th Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting, 'A New Vision of Management in the 21st Century,' Organization and Management Theory (OMT) Division, Honolulu, HI, U.S.A. (2005/08/09)

            • 組織論
            • Working Paper(outside IIR)


              Complexity and Limits of Organization at which Japanese Microlithography Industry has been Facing

              Chuma, Hiroyuki
              『Optical Review』 (Journal of Optical Society of Japan), Vol. 34 No. 8 pp. 388-395 (in Japanese) (2005/08)

              • 組織論
              • Article


                IIR Working Paper


                The International History of Japanese Economic Thought and Policy, 1945-2000

                Hein, Laura:Shimizu Hiroshi
                『The History of Economic Thought』 Vol.47 No.1 pp.79-93 (2005/07)

                • 技術史
                • Article


                  Key determinants of software development style in Network era: Is Open Source enough to succeed ?

                  Ikuine, Fumihiko:Hideki Fujita
                  WP#05-15 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2005/06/17)

                  • 技術経営
                  • IIR Working Paper


                    Collisions between Industries and the Evolution of the Mobile Internet in Japan

                    Funk, Jeffrey L.
                    Presented at the Hong Kong Mobility Roundtable, June 2-3 2005 (2005/06)

                    • 技術経営
                    • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                      Acquisitions and Use of Patents: A Theory and New Evidence from the Japanese Firm Level Data

                      Nagaoka, Sadao:Yoichiro Nishimura
                      WP#05-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2005/06)

                      • 知的財産権
                      • IIR Working Paper

                        PDF DOWNLOAD


                        Determinants of High-royalty Contracts and the Impact of Stronger Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Japan

                        Nagaoka, Sadao
                        『Journal of the Japanese and International Economies』 Vol. 19 No. 2 pp. 233-254 (2005/06)

                        • 知的財産権
                        • Article


                          Divergent Paths of Mobile Innovation: Development of Mobile Music Businesses in Japan and Korea

                          Takeishi, Akira:Kyoung-Joo Lee
                          WP#05-10 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2005/04/28)

                          • 技術経営
                          • IIR Working Paper

                            PDF DOWNLOAD


                            Comparisons of Small-firm Networks in Japan, China, and the United Kingdom: From the Standpoint of 'Small-world' Organizations

                            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Motoko Tsujita, Kikkawa, Takeo:Research Institute for Advanced Living Standards(編)『Community Based Economic Renaissance』 pp. 159-189
                            Yuhikaku (in Japanese)(2005/04)

                            • ネットワーク
                            • A Book Chapter


                              China’s Development Model: An Alternative Strategy for Technological Catch-Up

                              Xielin Liu
                              WP#05-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2005/03/22)

                              • 戦略論
                              • IIR Working Paper


                                The Frontiers of Business in China

                                Toshihiro, Nishiguchi
                                『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 Vol. 52 No. 4 pp. 4-5 (in Japanese) (2005/03/01)

                                • 経営学
                                • Article


                                  The Frontiers of Business in China

                                  Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                  『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 vol. 52 No. 4 pp. 4-5 (in Japanese) (2005/03)

                                  • 経営学
                                  • Article


                                    The Rapid Growth and Globalization of Chinese Electronics Companies: A Study of the Haier Group

                                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Tomofumi Amano:Changxiang Zhao
                                    『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 vol. 52 No. 4 pp. 54-71 (in Japanese) (2005/03)

                                    • 経営学
                                    • Article
