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Page 26 (501 - 520) of 849 Results

Offshoring RDB: Opportunities for design and brand management

Patrick Reinmoeller
WP#04-15 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/12)

  • 組織論
  • IIR Working Paper


    The Influence of Foreign Ownership on the Performance of Japanese Firms (and vice versa)

    K.C. O’Shaughnessy:Patrick Reinmoeller:Maarten Wensveen
    WP#04-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/12)

    • 組織論
    • IIR Working Paper


      Policy Issues in Efficient Collaboration through a Patent Pool

      Nagaoka, Sadao, Hwang,Tzong-Leh:Chiyuan Chen(編)『The Future Development of Competition Framework』 pp. 147-154
      Kluwer Law International(2004/10)

      • 知的財産権
      • A Book Chapter


        A New Organizational Theory of Small Worlds (1)-(8)

        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
        『The Nihon Keizai Shimbun』 Yasashii Keizaigaku (in Japanese) (2004/07)

        • 組織論
        • Article


          A View Point: The Ideas of Smart-practice Government

          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
          『Julist』 No. 1268 pp. 2-4 (in Japanese) (2004/06/01)

          • 技術政策
          • Article


            Netcentric Strategies

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
            『Hitotsubashi Business Review』 vol. 52 No. 1 pp. 48-63 (in Japanese) (2004/06)

            • 戦略論
            • Article


              Assessing the R&D Management of Firms by Patent Citation : Evidence from the US Patents

              Nagaoka, Sadao
              WP#04-10 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/05)

              In this paper we evaluate statistically how the R&D management of a firm in terms of speed of research, exploitation of knowledge in the scientific journals and research focusing affects research quality in terms of (forward) patent citation. We extensively control the endogeneity of explanatory variables in our estimation. We find tha…

              • 技術経営
              • IIR Working Paper


                Keys to the Rapid Development of Wenzhou, China: Networks Beyond the Daily

                Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                『The Nihon Keizai Shimbun』 Keizai Kyoshitsu p. 29 (in Japanese) (2004/04/21)

                • 技術経営
                • Article


                  VLSI Revisited-Revival in Japan

                  Jon Sigurdson
                  WP#04-06 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/04/10)

                  • 技術経営
                  • IIR Working Paper

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                    The Sony-Ericsson Endeavour

                    Jon Sigurdson
                    WP#04-05 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/04/07)

                    • 技術経営
                    • IIR Working Paper

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                      Entrepreneurial Ability and Market Selection in an Infant Industry: Evidence from the Japanese Cotton Spinning Industry

                      Ohyama, Atsushi : Serguey Braguinsky : Kevin M. Murphy
                      『Review of Economic Dynamics』 (2004/04/01)

                      • 経済学
                      • Article


                        What Japanese Workers Want: Evidence from the Japanese Worker Representation and Participation Survey

                        Chuma, Hiroyuki:Takao Kato:Isao Ohashi
                        RIETI Discussion Paper 04-E-019 ( Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) (2004/04)

                        • 社会学
                        • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                          Japan's Long-term Recession in 1990's: Fall of Industrial Competitveness?

                          Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                          WP#04-08 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/04)

                          • 経済学
                          • IIR Working Paper


                            New Business Creation Opens Up a New Age

                            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                            『Triangle 21』 vol. 12 No. 8 pp. 3-8 (in Japanese) (2004/03)

                            • 経済学
                            • Article


                              R&D and Market Value: Appropriability vs. Preemption

                              Nagaoka, Sadao
                              WP#04-03 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/02)

                              • 技術経営
                              • IIR Working Paper

                                PDF DOWNLOAD


                                Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea: Copyright Management Institutions as a Reverse Salient (revised)

                                Takeishi, Akira: Kyoung Joo Lee
                                WP#04-02 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2004/02)

                                • 知的財産権
                                • IIR Working Paper

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                                  The Rise of Integrated Project Teams in Defense Acquisition

                                  Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                  Presented at the Second MIT-IIR 'End of Japan?' Project Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. (2004/01/09)

                                  • 技術政策
                                  • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                    From Equipment to Capabilities: The Rise of Integrated Project Teams in Defense Acquisition

                                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                    Presented at the Second MIT-IIR 'End of Japan?' Project Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. (2004/01/09)

                                    • 技術経営
                                    • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                      Mobile Disruption: The Technologies and Applications Driving the Mobile Internet

                                      Funk, Jeffrey L.
                                      John Wiley & Sons, Inc.(2004/01)

                                      This book uses a new model of industry formation and extensive interviews with Japanese and Western firms to describe and forecast the evolution of the mobile Internet. It describes in detail the interaction between key technologies, applications, and platform strategies in six key contents/applications: entertainment, mobile marketing…

                                      • 技術経営
                                      • Book

                                        PDF DOWNLOAD


                                        The Product Life Cycle Theory and Product Line Management: the Case of Mobile Phones

                                        Funk, Jeffrey L.
                                        『IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management』 Vol. 51 No. 2 pp. 1-11 (2004)

                                        • 技術経営
                                        • Article
