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Page 27 (521 - 540) of 849 Results

The Consortium Standard and Patent Pools

Aoki, Reiko:Sadao Nagaoka
『Economic Review』 (Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University), Vol. 55 No. 4 pp. 345-357 (2004)

  • 知的財産権
  • Article


    'Beat IBM,' Entrepreneurial Bureaucracy: A Contradiction in Terms?

    Yonekura, Seiichiro, Coopey, Richard(編)『Information Technology Policy: An International History』 pp. 121-143
    Oxford University Press(2004)

    • 技術経営
    • A Book Chapter


      Semiconductor Production System a la TOYOTA: Pioneering Experiments in UMCJ

      Chuma, Hiroyuki, Mao, Yunshi and Min Li(編)『Multinationals in China: Competition and Cooperation』 pp. 30-52
      The University Press Limited(2004)

      • 技術経営
      • A Book Chapter


        Key Technological Trajectories and the Expansion of Mobile Internet Applications

        Funk, Jeffrey L.
        『Info - The journal of policy, regulation and strategy for telecommunications』 Vol. 6 No. 3 (2004)


        • 技術経営
        • Article


          The Determinants of Venture Capital: A Panel Data Analysis of 16 OECD Countries

          Romain, Astrid:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
          WP#03-25 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/12)

          • 社会学
          • IIR Working Paper

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            From R&D to Productivity Growth: Do The Institutional Setting and The Source of Funds of R&D Matter?

            Guellec, Dominique:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
            WP#03-26 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/11)

            • 技術経営
            • IIR Working Paper

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              The Sources of Knowledge and the Value of Academic Patents

              Sapsalis, Elefthérios:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
              WP#03-24 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/11)

              • 知的財産権
              • IIR Working Paper

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                Surveying Technology-Based Small Firms: A Perspective From Belgium

                Bozkaya, Ant:Astrid Romain:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                WP#03-23 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/11)

                • 技術経営
                • IIR Working Paper

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                  Mobile Music Business in Japan and Korea: Copyright Management Institutions as a Reverse Salient

                  Takeishi, Akira:Kyoung Joo Lee
                  WP#03-22 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/10)

                  • 経済学
                  • IIR Working Paper


                    Implementing a Forecasting Methodology for PCT Applications at WIPO

                    Dehon, Catherine:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                    WP#03-21 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/09)

                    • 経済学
                    • IIR Working Paper

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                      The Economic Impact of Venture Capital

                      Romain, Astrid:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                      WP#03-20 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/09)

                      • 経済学
                      • IIR Working Paper

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                        Organizational Competencies and Innovation Performances: The Case of Large Firms in Belgium

                        Peeters, Carine:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                        WP#03-19 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/09)

                        • 組織論
                        • IIR Working Paper

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                          Strategic Management of Innovation and Patenting Performances

                          Peeters, Carine:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                          WP#03-17 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/09)

                          • 知的財産権
                          • IIR Working Paper

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                            Measuring Innovation Competencies and Performances: A Survey of Large Firms in Belgium

                            Peeters, Carine:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                            WP#03-16 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/09)

                            • 技術経営
                            • IIR Working Paper

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                              Standards, Dominant Designs and Preferential Acquisition of Complementary Assets Through Slight Information Advantages

                              Funk, Jeffrey L.
                              『Research Policy』 Vol.32 No.8 pp.1325-1341 (2003/09)

                              • 技術経営
                              • Article


                                Escaping the Red Queen Effect in Competitive Strategy: How Managers Can Change Industry Rules by Sense-Testing their Business Models

                                Voelpel, Sven C.:Marius Leibold:Eden B. Tekie:Georg von Krogh
                                WP#03-18 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/08)

                                • 戦略論
                                • IIR Working Paper

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                                  Determinants of Royalty Terms: Evidence from Technology Import Contracts of Japan

                                  Nagaoka, Sadao
                                  WP#03-15 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/08)

                                  • 知的財産権
                                  • IIR Working Paper


                                    The Impact of Collaborative Agreement on Firms' Performances: The case of the IT industry in the 90's

                                    Mortehan, Olivier:Bruno van Pottelsberghe
                                    WP#03-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/08)

                                    • 技術史
                                    • IIR Working Paper

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                                      Robust Organizational Fitness for Reinventing Strategy in Rapidly Changing Industry Landscapes

                                      Beer, Michael:Sven C. Voelpel:Marius Leibold
                                      WP#03-13 Hitotsubashi University IIR (2003/07)

                                      • 組織論
                                      • IIR Working Paper

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                                        The Japan Defense Agency Learns from Toyota

                                        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                        『Economist』 Mainichi Shimbunsha, pp. 106-107 (in Japanese) (2003/06/24)

                                        • 技術経営
                                        • Article
