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Page 34 (661 - 680) of 849 Results

Strategic Management of Supplier Involvement in Automobile Product Development

Takeishi, Akira
『Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, MIT Slaon School of Management』 (1998/02)

  • 戦略論
  • Article


    Non-Fermi-Liquid Behavior of SrRuO3: Evidence from Infrared Conductivity

    P Kostic : Y Okada : NC Collins : Z Schlesinger
    『Phys. Rev. Lett.』 Vol.81 No.12 2498-2501 (1998/01/01)

    • 物性物理学
    • Article


      Coevolution of Interorganizational Relations: A Proposition of a Self-referential, Dual-spiral Model

      Nishiguchi, Toshihiro, Fujimoto, Takahiro:Toshihiro Nishiguchi:Hideshi Itoh(編)『Readings: The Supplier System: Creating New Interfirm Relations』 pp. 119-146
      Yuhikaku (in Japanese)(1998)

      • 経営学
      • A Book Chapter


        Readings: Supplier System: Creating New Interfirm Relations

        Fujimoto, Takahiro:Toshihiro Nishiguchi:Hideshi Itoh(編)
        Yuhikaku (in Japanese / Reviewed and highly praised by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, March 22, 1998, p. 18)(1998)

        • 経営学
        • Edit


          Innovation in Manufacturing Systems: Toyota Production Methods

          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro, Itami, Hiroyuki:Tadao Kagono:Matao Miyamoto:Seiichiro Yonekura(編)『Case Book: Management Behaviors of the Japanese Corporation, vol. 3, Innovations and Technological Accumulations』 pp. 56-89
          Yuhikaku (in Japanese)(1998)

          • 技術経営
          • A Book Chapter


            Book Review: On the Evolution of a Manufacturing System, by Fujimoto, Takahiro

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
            『Economic Review』 Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, vol. 49 No. 4 pp. 372-374 (in Japanese) (1998)

            • 技術経営
            • Article


              A Proposed New Structural Framework for the Management of Cooperative Research Projects between Universities, Government and Industry in Japan

              Eto, Manabu
              『A Triple Helix of University-Industry-Government Relations,』 Science Policy Institute, State University of New York, pp. 113-115 (1998)

              • 戦略論
              • 技術政策
              • Article


                Reaction of the fluroine atom and molecule with the hydrogen-terminated Si(111) surface

                Fujimura, Shuzo:Y.Morikawa:K.Kubota:H.Ogawa:T.Ichiki:A.Tachibana:Y.Horiike
                『Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology』 vol. A16(1) 345 (1998)

                • 技術経営
                • Article


                  Is Japan's Long-Term Employment System Changing?

                  Chuma, Hiroyuki, I. Ohashi and T. Tachibanaki(編)『Internal Labour Markets, Incentives, and Employment』

                  • 社会学
                  • A Book Chapter


                    How Japan-US Economic Interdependency Changed from 1985 to 1990?: Some Findings from Price Adjsuted MITI's Inter-country IO Tables

                    Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                    『Economic Systems Research』 Vol.10 No.1 pp.45-62 (1998)

                    • 技術史
                    • Article


                      Structural Aspects of the Asian Financial Crisis

                      Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                      『Asia Pacific Review』 Vol.5 No.3 pp.27-49 (1998)

                      • 経済学
                      • Article


                        Innovation Strategy and Business Performance of Japanese Manufacturing Firms

                        Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                        『Economics of Innovation and New Technology』 Vol.7 No.1 pp.27-52 (1998)

                        • 戦略論
                        • Article


                          Inducement and Driven Mechanism of Productive Services: Technological Services, Economic Institutions and Structure of Competition

                          Karube, Masaru
                          Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation for Graduate School of Commerce, Hitotsubashi University (in Japanese) (1998)

                          • 技術経営
                          • Working Paper(outside IIR)




                            Economic Analysis of the Legal Rule for Abused Discharge Right: In View of Employment Contract Theory [Kaiko-ken Ranyo Hori no Keizai Bunseki: Koyo Keiyaku Riron no Shiten Kara]

                            Chuma, Hiroyuki, Miwa, Yoshiro:Hideki Kanda: Noriyuki Yanagawa(編)『Economics of Corporation Law [Kaisha-ho no Keizaigaku]』 pp. 425-451
                            University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese)(1998)

                            • 経済学
                            • A Book Chapter


                              The Toyota Group and the Aisin Fire

                              Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Alexandre Beaudet
                              『Sloan Management Review』 Vol. 40 No. 1 pp. 49-59 (1998)

                              • 経営学
                              • Article


                                The Japanese Steel Industry in the 1990s

                                Yonekura, Seiichiro:F. Guelle, Ranieri, Ruggero:Enrico Gibellieri(編)『The Steel Industry in the New Millennium, Vol.2: Institutions, Privatisations and Social Dimensions』 Vol. 2, pp. 151-170
                                The University Press(1998)

                                • 技術史
                                • A Book Chapter


                                  Challenges for Japanese Technological Development

                                  Nagaoka, Sadao
                                  『Japan Review of International Affairs』 Vol. 12 No. 3 pp. 213-228 (1998)

                                  • 技術経営
                                  • Article


                                    Engineering Outsourcing and Coevolution

                                    Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                    『The Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun』 p. 17 (in Japanese) (1997/12/19)

                                    • 戦略論
                                    • Article


                                      From Keiretsu Model To Silicon Valley Model Why is Japanese Business Troubled? A Historical Insight

                                      Yonekura, Seiichiro
                                      WP#97-14 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1997/12)

                                      • 組織論
                                      • IIR Working Paper
