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Page 36 (701 - 720) of 849 Results

Engineering Identity in a Japanese Factory

Funk, Jeffrey L.:Martin Kilduff:Ajay Mehra
『Organization Science』 Vol.8 No.6 pp.579-592 (1997)

  • 技術経営
  • Article


    Etching characteristics during cleaning of silicon surfaces by NF3-added hydrogen and water-vapor plasma downstream

    Suzuki,M. T.:J. Kikuchi:M. Nagasaka:S. Fujimura
    『Materials Research Society symposia proceedings』 Vol.477 167 (1997)

    • 技術経営
    • Article


      Hydrogen molecule in cristalline silicon treated with atomic hydrogen

      Fukata, N.:S. Sasaki:K. Murakami:K. Ishioka:K. Nakamura:M.Kitajima :J.Kikuchi:S. Fujimura:H. Haneda
      『Journal of the Surface Science Society of Japan』 vol.18 495 (1997)

      • 技術経営
      • Article


        Hydrogen Molecules and Hydrogen-related Defects in Crystalline Silicon

        『Physical Review B』 (1997)

        • 技術経営
        • Article


          Puls-modulated infrared-laser interferometric thermometry for non-contact silicon substrate temperature measurement

          Kikuchi, J.:S. Fujimura:R. Kurosaki:H. Yano
          『Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology』 vol.A15 2035 (1997)

          • 技術経営
          • Article


            Dependence of TO TO and LO mode frequency of thermally grown silicon dioxide films on annealing temperature

            Ishikawa, K.:Y, Uchiyama:H, Ogawa:S. Fujimura
            『Applied surface science』 vol.117/118 212 (1997)

            • 技術経営
            • Article


              Structural Change and the State of Labor Market in Japan

              Chuma, Hiroyuki, H. Siebert(編)『Sectoral Structural Change and Labor Market Flexibility: Experience in Selected OECD Economies』
              Institute fur Weltwirtshaft an der Universitat Kiel(1997)

              • 社会学
              • A Book Chapter


                Japanese Experience of Longitudinal Dataset Analysis and International Perspectives

                Motohashi, Kazuyuki, S. Laaksonen(編)『The Evolution of Firms and Industries』 pp.50-64
                Statistics Finland(1997)

                • 経済学
                • A Book Chapter


                  ICT Diffusion and its Economic Impact on OECD Countries

                  Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                  『OECD Science Technology and Industry Review』 No.20 pp.13-45 (1997)

                  • 経済学
                  • Article




                    Change in Employment Practices and Female Labor Force [Koyo-Kankyo no Henka to Jyosei Rodo]

                    Chuma, Hiroyuki:Terukazu Suruga(編)
                    University of Tokyo Press (in Japanese)(1997)

                    • 経営学
                    • Edit


                      A Comparative Study of Network Systems Among Korean and Japanese Auto Parts Suppliers

                      Nishiguchi, Toshihiro: Kim Ki-Chan: Lynn Hyung-Gu
                      『Journal of Productivity』 Vol. 3 pp. 23-39 (1997)

                      • 経営学
                      • Article


                        The Evolution of Japanese Subcontracting

                        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Jonathan Brookfield
                        『Sloan Management Review』 Vol. 39 No. 1 pp. 89-101 (1997)

                        • 技術経営
                        • Article


                          Automobile Industry

                          Fujimoto, Takahiro: Akira Takeishi, Japan Commission on Industrial Performance(編)『Made in Japan: Revitalizing Japanese Manufacturing for Economic Growth』 pp.71-95
                          MIT Press(1997)

                          • 経営学
                          • A Book Chapter


                            The Innovation Process in the Japanese Steel Industry

                            Yonekura, Seiichiro, Goto, Akira:Hiroyuki Odagiri(編)『Innovation in Japan』 pp. 159-172
                            Oxford University Press(1997)

                            • 技術経営
                            • A Book Chapter


                              VERs, VIEs, and Global Competition

                              Itoh, Motoshige:Sadao Nagaoka, Graham, Edward M:J.David Richardson(編)『Global Competition Policy』 pp. 475-499
                              Institute for International Economics(1997)

                              • 戦略論
                              • A Book Chapter


                                The Effect of Economic Institutional Factors on Composite Technology: The Case of BiCMOS Technology

                                Karube, Masaru
                                paper presented to Mitsubishi Bank Foundation Conference at IBM Japan, Amagi Homestead, Shizuoka, Japan (1996/08/25)

                                • 経済学
                                • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                  Coevolutionary Strategic Outsourcing

                                  Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                                  『Koseitorihiki』 (Fair trade) No. 549 pp. 47-57 (in Japanese) (1996/07)

                                  • 戦略論
                                  • Article


                                    Use of Information Networks, Organizational Changes and Productivity: Firm Level Evidence in Japan

                                    Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                                    a paper presented for the NBER Summer Institute: Productivity Workshop, Cambridge, USA (1996/07)

                                    • 社会学
                                    • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                                      R&D, Spillover and Productivity: Survey of Economic Studies for Japanese Manufacturers

                                      Motohashi, Kazuyuki
                                      a paper presented for the OECD Expert Workshop on Technology, Productivity and Employment: Macroeconomics and Sectoral Evidence, Paris France (1996/06)

                                      • 技術経営
                                      • Working Paper(outside IIR)
