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Page 32 (621 - 640) of 849 Results

International Division of Labor among Japanese, American and Taiwanese Electronics and Machinery Industries in Asia: A Competitive Strategy Analysis

Nishiguchi, Toshihiro, supervised
Japan Machinery Exporters' Association (in Japanese)(1999/09)

  • 技術経営
  • Book


    Knowledge Partitioning in the Inter-Firm Division of Labor : The Case of Automotive Product Development

    Takeishi, Akira
    WP#99-12 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1999/07)

    • 組織論
    • IIR Working Paper


      'Beat IBM' Entrepreneurial Bureaucracy: A Contradiction in Terms ?

      Yonekura, Seiichiro
      WP#99-11 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1999/07)

      • 組織論
      • IIR Working Paper


        Self-organization in Chaos: The Toyota Group and Aisin Seiki Fire

        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Alexandre Beaudet
        『Organizational Science』 The Academic Association for Organizational Science, vol. 32 No. 4 pp. 58-72 (in Japanese) (1999/06)

        • 組織論
        • Article


          Are Japanese Suppliers Really Productive in Component Development? New Evidence from International Automotive Survey

          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Shingo Oue:Akira Takeishi
          Working Paper, MIT's International Motor Vehicle Program (IMVP) (1999/05)

          • 技術経営
          • Working Paper(outside IIR)


            Auto Component Development Performance: New Evidence from International Automotive Survey

            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Shingo Oue:Akira Takeishi
            WP#99-09 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1999/04)

            • 技術経営
            • IIR Working Paper


              This Topic for This Person: Improving the Defense Procurement System

              Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
              『The Asahi Shimbun』 p. 9 (in Japanese) (1999/03/07)

              • 技術政策
              • Article


                Defending Defense

                Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                『The Asahi Evening News』 p. 5 (1999/03)

                • 技術政策
                • Article


                  The Modularity Trap: Innovation, Technology Phase-Shifts, and Resulting Limits of Virtual

                  Chesbrough, Henry W.:Ken Kusunoki
                  WP#99-06 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1999/02)

                  • 技術経営
                  • IIR Working Paper


                    Competitive Impact of International Trade: A Case of Import Liberalization of Oil Product Market in Japan

                    Nagaoka, Sadao:Fukunari Kimura
                    WP#99-02 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1999/02)

                    • 社会学
                    • IIR Working Paper


                      Overseas Innovations by Japanese Firms: A Micro-Econometrical Analysis of Patent and Subsidiary Data

                      Belderbos, Ren?
                      WP#99-01 Hitotsubashi University IIR (1999/01)

                      • 知的財産権
                      • IIR Working Paper



                        Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                        『The Large Encyclopedia of Management Studies』 2nd ed. p. 251 (in Japanese) (1999)

                        • ネットワーク
                        • Article


                          Group Management

                          Nishiguchi, Toshihiro
                          『The Large Encyclopedia of Management Studies』 2nd ed. pp. 218-219 (in Japanese) (1999)

                          • 組織論
                          • Article


                            The Behavior of the Construction Industry

                            Nishiguchi, Toshihiro:Toshihiro Matsumura:Narumi Izumida, Kanemoto, Yoshitsugu(編)『Nihon no kensetsu sangyo』 (The Japanese construction industry) pp. 33-67
                            Nihon Keizai Shimbunsha (in Japanese)(1999)

                            • 経営学
                            • A Book Chapter


                              Innovative Small-firm Networks and Industrial Policy

                              Nishiguchi, Toshihiro, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency [SMEA](編)『Chusho kigyo seisaku no aratana tenkai』 (New developments in small-firm industrial policy) pp. 370-378
                              Doyukan (in Japanese)(1999)

                              • 技術政策
                              • A Book Chapter


                                Critical Fluctuations in a Random Network Model

                                Nirei, Makoto
                                『Physica』 A 269 pp. 16-23 (1999)

                                • ネットワーク
                                • Article


                                  Contribution of interface roughness to the infrared spectra of thermally grown silicon dioxide films

                                  Fujimura, Shuzo:K.Ishikawa:H.Ogawa
                                  『Journal of Applied Physics』 vol.85 4076 (1999)

                                  • 技術経営
                                  • Article


                                    The Role of Technology in Manufacturing Employment and Productivity Growth: A Cross Country Micro Data Analysis of Japan and the United States

                                    Motohashi, Kazuyuki:Jarmin Ronald, Silvia Biffignandi(編)『Micro- and Macrodata of Firms: Statistical Analysis and International Comparison』

                                    • 社会学
                                    • A Book Chapter


                                      Changing Nature of Japanese Firm?: Technology Adoption, Organizational Structure and Human Resource Strategy

                                      Motohashi, Kazuyuki, Silvia Biffignandi(編)『Micro- and Macrodata of Firms: Statistical Analysis and International Comparison』 pp.297-318

                                      • 組織論
                                      • A Book Chapter


                                        Firm Behaviors and Economic Institutions: Institution as Reinforcing Mechanism for Resource Synergy

                                        Karube, Masaru
                                        paper presented to Nikkei Kigyo Kodo Conference at Teijin Kenshu sho, Shizuoka, Japan (in Japanese) (1999)

                                        • 経済学
                                        • Working Paper(outside IIR)
