
検索結果: 2360件 23ページ目(441〜460)

Promoting clean energy technology entrepreneurship: The role of external context

Malen, Joel
『Energy Policy』 Vol. 102 pp. 7-15 (2017/03/01)

This study examines how political, social and economic factors influence clean energy technology entrepreneurship (CETE). Government policies supporting clean energy technology development and the development of markets for clean energy create opportunities for CETE. However, the extent to which such opportunities lead to the emergence…

    Mobility of Highly Skilled Retirees from Japan to the Republic of Korea and Taiwan

    Kang, Byeongwoo : Yukihito Sato : Yasushi Ueki
    ERIA Discussion Paper 2016-31 Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (2017/02/28)

    Attracting highly skilled workers is a major element in the economic development of many countries, especially developing ones. However, workers generally move from developing countries to developed ones. Historical evidence indicates that Korean and Taiwanese firms scout for highly skilled (retired or soon-to-retire) Japanese workers …

    • 知識のスピルオーバー
    • 人材移動
    • How a Laid-off Employee Becomes an Entrepreneur: The Case of Nokia’s Bridge Program

      Workshop on Innovation in Digital Industries (organized by IIR) (2017/02/24)

      Submitted by Kang, Byeongwoo, Heikki Rannikko and Erno T. Tornikoski

      • アントレプレナー
      • 起業
      • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


        Impact of Patent Scope on subsequent Inventions: Findings from a new Measure

        Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
        WP#17-03 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2017/02/20)

        While patent scope defined by patent claims provides crucial information on the contribution of underlying inventions to the state of the art, its existing measures do n…

        • 知的財産権
        • IIRワーキングペーパー

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          Fate of Bad Apples: Organizational Responses to Wrongdoers in the Japanese Audit Industry

          International Workshop on Business Research (Organized by Management Innovation Research Center, Hitotsubashi University) (2017/02/10)

          Paper submitted by Karube, Masaru

          • 経営学
          • 組織論
          • 社会学
          • 会計学
          • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


            地域イノベーションの事例研究(1) 夕張市におけるズリ(石炭採掘廃棄物)山の再生事業

            江藤学 : 木村めぐみ
            CASE#17-01 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2017/01/19)

            夕張市におけるズリ活用事業は、①地域が抱えている問題の解決を目的に、②地域が有する資源と、③地域の人・組織のアイデアとスキルを活用することによって、④地域で新規に創造された事業であり、⑤自治体や国からの政策的支援を受け、⑥経済効果が期待でき、⑦日本全国の地域、国、企業、その他非営利組織などに示唆を与える事例である この事業の中心となるの…

            • 政策のための科学
            • 地域イノベーション
            • IIRケーススタディ



              日本経済新聞 (2016/12/30)

              著者:清水洋, 2016年12月30日 朝刊 19面 掲載

              • 経営学
              • 一般記事


                東洋紡 : 抜本的企業改革の推進

                『一橋ビジネスレビュー』 64巻 3号 124-141頁 (2016/12/20)

                • 経営学
                • 論文


                  Environmental regulation and international expansion of MNEs: The moderating role of pollution reduction resources and firm multinationality on location choice

                  Malen, Joel : Junichi Yamanoi
                  WP#16-13 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2016/12/07)

                  We examine how stronger environmental regulations influence MNE international expansion decisions by attending to two sources of firm heterogeneity that moderate this effect: possession of pollution reduction capabilities and firm multinationality. Empirical tests on 523 cases of international manufacturing expansion into 49 potential …

                  • 経営学
                  • IIRワーキングペーパー

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                    Did China’s Coal Mine Regulation Positively Affect Economic Growth?

                    Xu, Hangtian : Kentaro Nakajima
                    『Resources Policy』 Vol.50 pp. 160-168 (2016/12/01)

                    In response to high mortality rates and low productivity in coal mining, China began regulating coal mines in the 1990s, reshaping its coal economy. We investigate the relationship between coal mine regulation and economic growth. Using the difference-in-difference approach to compare the pre- and post-regulation periods as well as reg…

                    • 経済学
                    • 価値づくり経営の極意

                      Diamond Management Forum 2016年冬号 (2016/12/01)

                      著者:延岡健太郎, 28-31頁

                      • 経営学
                      • 一般記事


                        Contribution of Patent Examination to Making the Patent Scope Consistent with the Invention: Evidence from Japan

                        Okada, Yoshimi : Yusuke Naito : Sadao Nagaoka
                        RIETI Discussion Paper 16-E-092 Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) (2016/11/29)

                        Delineating the patent scope consistently with the contribution of the disclosed invention is one of the most crucial requirements for a patent system to promote innovation effectively. Given the incentive of an applicant to set a scope for the patent as broad as possible, an important task of the Patent Office is to narrow it so that …

                        • 知的財産権
                        • 知的財産制度
                        • Landscape of Standard Essential Patents: Case of East Asian Firms

                          The 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (2016/11/18)

                          Conference Paper: submitted by Dang, Jianwei, Byeongwoo Kang and Ke Ding

                          • 技術経営
                          • 知的財産権
                          • 標準化
                          • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー



                            研究・イノベーション学会 第31回年次学術大会 (2016/11/06)


                            • 技術経営
                            • 規制
                            • 研究会・講演録・講義録・コンファレンスペーパー


                              Multi-region Job Search with Moving Costs

                              Kawata, Keisuke : Kentaro Nakajima : Yasuhiro Sato
                              『Regional Science and Urban Economics』 Vol.61 pp. 114-129 (2016/11/01)

                              We develop a competitive search model involving multiple regions, geographically mobile workers, and moving costs. Equilibrium mobility patterns are analyzed and characterized, and the results indicate that shocks to a particular region, such as a productivity shock, can propagate to other regions through workers' mobility. Moreover, e…

                              • 経済学
                              • Descriptive analysis of the knowledge network formation in East Asia

                                Nabeshima, Kaoru : Byeongwoo Kang : Mila Kashcheeva
                                『Technology in Society』 Vol.47 pp. 66-100 (2016/11/01)

                                This paper shows descriptively how the knowledge network in East Asia has been formed. In addition, the correlation between the knowledge network and economic growth is also examined. Evidence is provided to show that plugging into the knowledge network of developed economies could be a key for increasing innovativeness in an economy.

                                • 知識
                                • イノベーションの経済地理分析
                                • 知識のスピルオーバー
                                • 付加価値づくりの経営

                                  NETT ほくとう総研 No. 97 (2016/10/31)


                                  • 経営学
                                  • 一般記事



                                    『サービソロジー』 3巻 3号 4-11頁 (2016/10/31)

                                    • 経営学
                                    • 技術経営
                                    • 論文


                                      Landscape of standard essential patents: The case of East Asian countries

                                      Dang, Jianwei : Byeongwoo Kang : Ke Ding
                                      WP#16-12 一橋大学イノベーション研究センター (2016/10/19)

                                      Technical standards in the mobile communications industry have been developed from national to regional and from regional to global. In the current era, global standards…

                                      • 知的財産
                                      • 経済学
                                      • IIRワーキングペーパー

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                                        一般財団法人 日本規格協会 『標準化と品質管理』 Vol.69 No.10 27-30頁 (2016/10/15)


                                        • 標準化
                                        • 一般記事
