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Page 43 (841 - 849) of 849 Results

Entrepreneurship and Innovative Behavior of Kawasaki Steel in the Post World War II Period

Yonekura, Seiichiro
Discussion Paper No. 120 Institute of Business Research, Hitotsubashi University (1984)

  • 技術史
  • Working Paper(outside IIR)


    A Methodology for Estimating the Benefits From New Lock Construction

    Funk, Jeffrey L.
    『Transportation Quarterly』 Vol.37 No.4 pp.571-621 (1983/11)

    • 技術経営
    • Article


      Infrared rapid thermal annealing for GaAs device fabrication

      Kohzu, Hideaki
      『Journal of Applied Physics』 Vol. 54 Issue 9 pp. 4998-5003 (with coauthors) (1983/09)

      • 技術経営
      • Article


        Electrical properties of S implants in GaAs activated by infrared rapid thermal annealing

        Kohzu, Hideaki
        『Journal of Applied Physics』 Vol. 54 Issue 6 pp. 3121-3124 (with coauthors) (1983/06)

        • 技術経営
        • Article


          Infrared rapid thermal annealing of Si -implanted GaAs

          Kohzu, Hideaki
          『Applied Physics Letters』 Vol. 41 Issue 8 pp. 755-758 (with coauthors) (1982/10/15)

          • 技術経営
          • Article


            Selenium Implantation in Epitaxial Gallium Arsenide Layers

            Kohzu, Hideaki
            『Nuclear Instruments and Methods』 Vols. 182-183 Part 2 pp. 709-717 (with coauthors) (1981/04/15)

            • 技術経営
            • Article


              Screenig and Testing Techniques for GaAs Power MESFETs

              Kohzu, Hideaki
              International Symposium for Testing & Failure Analysis (with coauthors) (1979)

              • 技術経営
              • Working Paper(outside IIR)


                Reliability Study of GaAs MES FETs

                kohzu, Hideaki
                『IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques』 Vol. 24 Issue 6 pp. 321-328 (with coauthors) (1976/06)

                • 技術経営
                • Article


                  Reliability Studies of one-micron Schottky Gate GaAs FET

                  Kohzu, Hideaki
                  『IEDM』 p. 247 (1975)

                  • 技術経営
                  • Article
